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1.—Alice,remember to return the book tomorrow. —________,I've already finished it. A.Take it C.Got it

B.Hit it D.Forget it

解析:考查情景交际。句意:——爱丽丝,记住明天还了这本书。——知道了,书我已经看完了。Take it“拿去”;Hit it“猜中,说对了;猜对”;Got it“明白了,知道了”;Forget it“休想!(算了!)”。根据题干already finished,得知此题回答的是“知道了”。故选C项。


2.—Why can't I use the gym in the hotel? —________,but your room price doesn't cover it. A.No offence C.No doubt

B.No worries D.No need

解析:考查情景对话。句意:——为什么我不能在旅店使用健身房呢?——并无恶意,但是您的房间价格不包括在内。No offence“并无恶意,请勿见怪”;No worries“别客气”;No doubt“毫无疑问”;No need“用不着”。根据题意,故选A。


3.The old man ________ so he hid himself immediately. A.knew the ropes B.killed the fatted calf C.felt blue

D.saw the handwriting on the wall

解析:考查句意理解。knew the ropes“懂门道,在行”;killed the fatted calf“盛情款待”;felt blue“感到沮丧”;saw the handwriting on the wall“不祥之兆,显而易见的危险”。根据下句:所以他立刻把自己藏起来。由此可知:只有D项合乎情理。句意:这位老人看到了危险,所以他立刻把自己藏起来。故选D。


4.—I'm afraid nobody else agrees with you. —________? I'll do what I think right!

A.How come C.What for

B.So what D.Why not

解析:考查情景交际。How come“怎么会”;So what“那又怎样”;What for“为什么”;Why not“为什么不”。上句:恐怕没有人同意你的意见。下句:那又怎么样?我做我认为正确的事。B项符合语境。


5.—Why didn't you pay the accommodation rent? —The rent? That isn't ________ till Sunday. A.sure C.due

B.okay D.late

解析:考查交际用语。It all depends.“那就看情况而定了”;It's up to you.“由你决定”;You are crazy!“你发疯了”;That isn't due yet.“还没有到期”。句意:——你为什么不付租金?——租金?还没有到期。根据句意选C。


6.—There is always so much work to do.I'm going to be driven mad. —________.It'll be all right. A.No problem C.Keep cool

B.Go ahead D.Never mind

解析:考查交际用语。句意:——总是有这么多工作要做。我快要发疯了。——冷静。一切都会好的。No problem“没问题”;Go ahead“前进,先走”;Keep cool“保持冷静,沉住气”;Never mind“没关系,不用担心”。分析句意可知,是对于有很多工作要做而发疯的一种劝告:要冷静。故选C。


7.—Would you mind if I smoked here?

—Sorry,you'd better not.Your smoking in the office ______ me! A.bothered C.has bothered

B.is bothering D.will bother




8.—I can't tolerate the air pollution here anymore.

—________.We've never had so many chemical factories before. A.You made it

B.Come off it

C.Cheer up D.You said it

解析:考查情景交际。You made it“你成功了”;Come off it“住口”;Cheer up“使高兴起来”;You said it“你说得对”。句意:——我再也受不了这里的污染了。——你说得对,以前从没有这么多化工厂。表示同意上面的观点,故选D。


9.—Should I take this course? —________.I don't know much about it. A.It's OK C.It's up to you

B.That's not the point D.I agree absolutely

解析:句意:——我应该学习这门课程吗?——由你决定,我对它不是很了解。It's OK“好的”;That's not the point“这不是重点”;It's up to you“由你决定”;I agree absolutely“我完全同意”。选C。


10.—Do you enjoy your present job as a salesman? —________.I just do it for a living. A.Not really C.Not likely

B.Of course D.Not a little

解析:考查交际用语。Not really“不是真的”;Of course“当然”;Not likely“不可能”;Not a little“非常,很”。句意:——你喜欢现在的推销员工作吗?——不是很喜欢,我只是谋生。选A。


11.—Did you have butterflies in your stomach at the interview? —________.That was my first job interview. A.It depends C.You bet

B.Not really D.I mean it

解析:考查情景交际。句意:——你在面试中是不是忐忑不安。——你说对了。这是我的第一次工作面试。It depends“看情况而定”;Not really“不是这样的”;You bet“的确;当然”;I mean it“我说真的”。根据后文first可推知,他一定是很忐忑,故选C。


12.I had trouble telling Pedro he'd lost his job.I started ________ and talking about one door closing and another door opening.

A.beating a dead horse B.adding fuel to the fire C.beating around the bush

D.opening Pandora's box

解析:考查俚语辨析。句意:告诉佩德罗已丢了工作我怕会有麻烦,于是我开始拐弯抹角地说一扇门关闭了另一扇门就会打开。beating a dead horse“徒劳无功”;adding fuel to the fire“火上浇油”;beat around the bush和beat about the bush是“拐弯抹角”,“旁敲侧击”或“说话绕圈子”的意思;opening Pandora's box“打开灾祸之门,引来祸患无穷”。故选C。


13.—The free gift doesn't look good.

—________,madam,but if you want good quality,you have to pay for it. A.No doubt C.No problem

B.No matter D.No way

解析:考查交际用语。No doubt“毫无疑问”;No matter“没关系”;No problem“没问题”;No way“不可能”。句意:——这个免费的礼物看起来不好。——毫无疑问,女士,你要是想要质量好的产品,你就得付钱。根据句意说明A正确。


14.— It really annoys me when one's smart phone goes off during a meeting! — Yeah,me too.It really ________. A.beats my brains out C.gets on my nerves

B.pulls my leg D.hangs in there

解析:考查俗语辨析。beats my brains out“绞尽脑汁”;pulls my leg“开玩笑”;gets on my nerves“让我心烦”;hangs in there“坚持住,忍耐一下”。根据句意“——开会的时候有手机响起真让人心烦!——我觉得也是,真让人心烦。”可知选C。


15.— Frank,I've learned about your plan.May I make some suggestions? — ________. A.Just for fun C.With pleasure

B.Take it easy D.Go right ahead

解析:考查情景对话。Just for fun“只是为了消遣”;Take it easy“放轻松”;With pleasure“很乐意(一般是对‘谢谢’等客套话的回应)”;Go right ahead“直接说吧”。根据句意“弗兰克,我听说了你的计划。我可以提些建议吗?”可知,D项符合题意。故选D。


16.—Thank you for your Kindle.I'll ask Tony to take it back to you soon. —________.I've bought a new one. A.No sense

B.No hurry

C.No way D.No use

解析:考查情景交际。句意:——谢谢你的电子书阅读器。一会儿我让托尼给你还回去。——不急。我已买了个新的。No sense“没道理”;No hurry“不急”;No way“没门”;No use“没用的”。根据后一句说bought a new one(买了个新的),故答话人应是不急的,故选B。


17.—Why didn't you come back last night? I waited long! —________.You were playing games the whole night. A.Don't give me that B.Don't lose your head C.Don't trust to chance D.Don't dream away your time

解析:Don't give me that“少来这套”!Don't lose your head“不要迷失方向(昏了头)”;Don't trust to chance“不要碰运气”;Don't dream away your time“不要虚度光阴”。句意:——昨晚你为什么没有回来?我等了很久!——________ 你整晚都在玩游戏。由句意可知A项符合情境。


18.—Do you think I should join the singing group,Mary? —________ If I were in your shoes,I certainly would. A.None of your business. B.It depends. C.Why not?

D.I don't think so.

解析:考查交际用语。根据回答可知:第二个人赞成他加入这个唱歌团体,故用why not(为什么不呢)。


19.—Hello,Sherry.This is John.I'm calling from work.How's your mother feeling? —________She is out of hospital,but the doctor suggested she stay in bed a few more days.

A.You're welcome.

B.That's thoughtful of you. C.What a pleasure! D.By all means.

解析:考查情景交际。You're welcome“不客气”;That's thoughtful of you“你真体贴”;What a pleasure“真开心”;By all means“尽一切方法,务必”。根据语境,选B



