【期刊名称】《颈腰痛杂志》 【年(卷),期】2001(022)001 【摘要】Objective
To demonstrate the value with spinal CT
angiography (SCTA)for diagnosis of cervica1 spondylosis at the origin of the vertebral artery (VA).Methods With SCTA curved reformation technology,24 cases of cervical spondylosis who had vertebrobasilar insufficiency were examined.The kinds of abnormalities of VA and the adjacent bone and tissues could be visualized on SCTA,including detection of kinking,stenosis,and degree of stenosis of the VA. Results The VA of 22 cases (91.7%)were positive changes on SCTA,4 cases with straight and stenosis on one side of the VA, 5 with kinking and no stenosis ,11 with kinking and stenosis,1 with occlusion, and 1 with deformation.Conclusion The SCTA is very useful for the visualization of the VA and their adjacent structures and offer a promising minimally invasive means,getting less complications,and having important value for the diagnosis and treatment of the cervical spondylosis at the origin of the VA.%目的 评价螺旋CT血管成像在诊断椎动脉型颈椎病中的应用。 方法 用三维螺旋CT血管成像技术对24例椎动脉型颈椎病患者的椎动脉进行三维重建,显示椎动脉的形态,结构,以及与周围组织的关系,观察椎动脉有否压迫,迂曲,狭窄,畸形等改变。结果 22例患者(占总数91、7%)椎动脉
不同程度地改变。椎动脉平直,一侧变细4例;迂曲,无压迫5例;受压、管腔狭窄11例;闭塞1例;畸形1例。结论 螺旋CT血管成像能同时显示椎动脉和毗邻结构,对椎动脉型颈椎病的诊断和治疗有重要的价值。 【总页数】3页(5-7)
【关键词】三维CT;颈椎病;椎基底动脉供血不足;血管造影;椎动脉 【作者】茹选良;赵大正;杨泉森;葛焕祥
【作者单位】浙江医院骨科;浙江医院骨科;浙江医院骨科;浙江医院CT室, 【正文语种】中文
【中图分类】R814.42;R681.55 【文献来源】
https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/academic-journal-cn_journal-cervicodynia-lumbodynia_thesis/0201233456953.html 【相关文献】
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