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一、 短语

1. 比人聪明 cleverer than people 2. 更少的广告 fewer advertisements 3. 学校什么样? What’s school like? 4. 玩具卡车 a toy lorry/truck 5. 英式英语 British English 6. 美式英语 American English

7. 给我的表兄买个足球 buy a football for my cousin=buy my cousin a football 8. 一块橡皮 an erasr / a rubber

9. 练习踢足球 practise playing football

10. 在八年级 in Year 8=in Grade 8=in the 8th grade 11. 一所混合学校 a mixed school

12. 在我的所有学科中 among all my subjects 13. 读书周 a Reading Weeking

14. 在读书周期间 during the Reading Weeking 15. 读更多的书 read more books

16. 临近这周结束时 near the end of the week 17. 在这周结束的时候 at the end of the week 18. 与某人讨论某事 discuss sth with sb

19. 与我的同学讨论这些书 discuss the books with my classmates 20. 在课堂上 in class

21. 上课 have lessons=have classes=have a lesson=have a class 22. 学习外语 learn foreign languages

23. 似乎开心 seem happy=seem to be happy 24. 似乎要做某事 seem to do sth 25. 似乎走的更快 seem to go faster

26. 对学校更多的了解 learn more about the school 27. 帮助某人做某事 help sb with/do sth

28. 认真倾听我的难题 listen carefully to my problems 29. 主动给我帮助 offer me help=offer help to me 30. 在星期五下午 on Friday afternoon 31. 结束比往常早 end earlier than usual 32. 一起做运动 do sports together 33. 每次 every time 34. 上个月 last month 35. 打棒球 play baseball

36. 在我们三个中 among the three of us 37. 其他任何一个学生 any other student

38. 我的其他任何一个同学 any other of my classmates 39. 我的所有其他同学 all my other classmates 40. 其他的学生 the other students


41. 学生的数量 the number of students 42. 穿校服 wear uniforms

43. 做早操 do morning exercises 44. 放八个星期假 have 8 weeks off

45. 花两个小时做家庭作业 spend 2 hours on homework=spend 2 hours doing homework 46. 英国学校的生活 life in a British school 47. 另外半个小时 another half an hour 48. 下象棋 play chess 49. 最多,至多 at most 50. 阅读 do some reding 51. 位于第一 come first

52. 进行英语测试 have an English test 53. 浏览问题 look through the questions 54. 读的非常慢 read very slowly 55. 首先,一开始 at first 56. 坚持做某事 keep doing

57. 坚持用英语写作 keep writing in English 58. 我的日常生活 my daily life 59. 学习使用英语 learn to use English 60. 通过这种方式 (in) this way

61. 在周 at/on weekends=at/on the weekend 62. 玩的开心 have a lovely time

63. 进行每个学科的月考 have a monthly test on each subject 64. 美术俱乐部 Art Club

65. 进行学校旅行 go on a school trip 66. 需要早起 need to get up early

67. 有一个小时的作业 have an hour of homework

68. 有许多时间做课外活动 have lots of time for after-school activities 69. 一个又大又干净的食堂 a big clean dining hall. 70. 听音乐 listen to music 71. 戴领带 wear ties

72. 在每个班 in each class

73. 选课学习 choose subjects to study 74. 上电脑课 have computer lessons 75. 足球场 a football field 76. 游泳池 a swimming pool 77. 玩的开心,过得愉快 have fun 78. 我的理想学校 my ideal school

[来源学科网][来源学科网ZXXK][来源学+科+网Z+X+X+K]二、 句型


1. We’re cleverer than people.

2. There are fewer advertisements. 3. They have to worker harder.

4. Boys and girls have lessons together.

5. Among all my subjects, I like French best. 6. Learning foreign languages is fun.

7. I often read more books than my classmates.

8. Time seems to go faster when we are reading interesting books. 9. On Friday afternoon, our school ends earlier than usual. 10. Our team won two games last month. 11. Kitty has the most eggs. 12. She ran faster than Millie.

13. Amy came first in the race. She ran the fastest.

14. Sunshine Middle School has the most teachers and students of the three.

15. Chinese students have more weeks off for the summer holiday than British students. 16. British students spend less time doing homework than Chinese students.

17. Among the three schools, American students spend the least time on homework. 18. They work the hardest.

19. I have only half an hour for my hobbies at most. 20. To me, learning foreign langages is really fun. 21. We have lots of time for after-school activities. 22. We only have an hour of homework every day.

[来源学科网ZXXK]三、 语法

1. 数量的比较

(1) more 表示更多,即可指可数名词也可指不可数名词。 例:Millie has more tomatoes than Daniel.

(2) fewer表示更少,指可数名词(复数) 例:Millie has fewer bananas than Kitty. (3) less 表示更少,指不可数名词 例:Millie has less rice than Daniel.

(4) fewest表示最少,指可数名词(复数) 例:Daniel has the fewest tomatoes of the three. (5) least表示最少,指不可数名词

例:Millie has the least juice among the students. 2. 副词的比较,与上一单元的用法一致。 3. 形容词与副词

(1) 形容词修饰名词(指人或者物);副词修饰动词/形容词。

(2) 形容词变为副词,一般只要在形容词后加上ly; 以y结尾的,把y变成i再加ly. 例:careful-carefully strong-strongly

quick=quickly heavy-heavily slow-slowly happy-happily usual-usually easy-easily



