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Unit 5 Into the wild

Ⅰ.重点词汇 1.seek v. 寻找,寻求 seek to do sth. 设法做某事 seek (for) sth. 寻找/谋求某物 seek after 追求;寻求 seek out 找出;搜出

2.measure v. 量,测量;评估 linking verb 有……长/宽 n. 尺寸;措施 measure ... by ... 用……来衡量……

make ... to one's measure 按某人的尺寸做(衣服等) take measures to do sth. 采取措施做某事

3.position n. 位置;处境,状况;地位;职位;姿势 in a(n) ... position 处于……地位/位置 in/out of position 在/不在恰当的位置 hold the position of ... 担任……的职务 take up (one's) position 就位

4.determine v. 测定,确定;决定,决心→determined adj. 坚决的,有决心的,果断的→determination n. 决心,决定

determine to do sth. 决心做某事(表动作) determine on/upon (doing) sth. 决定(做)某事 be determined to do sth. 决心做某事(表状态)

5.amazing adj. 惊人的,了不起的→amaze vt. 使吃惊→amazed adj. 感到惊奇的;吃惊的→amazement n. 惊讶

be amazed to do ... 对做某事感到惊奇 be amazed at/by 对……很惊奇

(much) to one's amazement 令某人(非常)惊讶的是 in amazement 惊讶地

6.survive vi. 活下来;幸存 vt. 幸免于;从……中逃生;比……活得长→survival

n. 幸存→survivor n. 幸存者

survive sth. 幸免于……,从……中艰难度过 survive sb. (by three years) 比……活得长(三年)

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7.effect n. 影响,结果→effective adj. 有效的→effectively adv. 有效地 have an effect on/upon ... 对……有影响 bring/put ... into effect 使生效;实行,实施 come into effect 生效,开始实施 in effect 有效;在实施中;实际上

8.accommodation n. 住处,工作场所;食宿;膳食供应→accommodate vt. 容纳(乘客);向……提供膳宿;使适应,顺应

make/provide accommodations for 为……提供食宿 accommodate sb. with sth. 给……提供……

accommodate ... to ... =adapt ... to ... 使……适应/迎合……(其中to为介词) accommodate oneself to 使自己适应…… accommodate sb. for the night 留某人过夜

9.variety n. [C]种类,品种 [U]变化,多样性→vary v. (使)变化,不同→various adj. 各种各样的→variation n. 变化

a variety of=varieties of 各种各样的 vary from ... to ... 从……到……不同 vary with ... 随……而变化

10.concentrate v. 集中(注意力、思想等)→concentration n. 专心,集中 concentrate ... on/upon ... 把……专注于…… concentrate on/upon ... 专注于……

11.cut down 砍倒;削减,缩小(尺寸、数量等);降价 cut off 切断;停掉;隔绝 cut in 插嘴;插队

cut across/through 抄近路穿过 12.after all 毕竟,归根结底;终究 in all 总共

above all 尤其是,最重要的是(强调重要性) all the time 始终,一直

all of a sudden=suddenly 突然,冷不防地 Ⅱ.教材原句

1.Somehow they manage to travel around 4,000 kilometres south and find their way to California or Mexico. (P50)

不知怎么地,它们成功地向南行进了4,000公里,到达了加利福尼亚或墨西哥。 2.If this work is successful, there may come a time when monarch numbers increase

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once again. (P51)


3.The more we know about this lovely creature, the greater the chance it will survive and keep its place in the natural world for a long time to come.(P51)


4.Despite a weight of up to 300 kilograms, they can run at a speed of around 64 kilometres per hour and are also excellent swimmers. (P56)


5.While I was concentrating on photographing this amazing scene, I suddenly had a feeling that I was being watched. (P57)

当我专注于拍摄这一令人惊叹的景色时,我突然有一种感觉,有东西正在看我。 6.With water falling off its thick, brown hair, the bear stared back at me. (P57) 水从它浓密的棕色头发上落下,那只熊回头盯着我。 Ⅲ.单句语法填空

1.Thousands of people crossed the border, (seek) refuge from the war. 答案:seeking

2.More and more travelers are looking for bed and breakfast (accommodate) in private homes.


3.When he passed by, he observed a strange man (knock) at the door. 答案:knocking

4.The girl felt very safe with her mother (stand) behind her. 答案:standing

5.What a pity that many ancient buildings (destroy) in the war. 答案:were destroyed

6.The young soldier (freeze) to death in the snow, his hands still hanging on to the gun.

答案:was frozen

7.She couldn't imagine (live) in a place like that. 答案:living

8.The main reason he got the job in that company was that he worked

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