Section A
Text:Love Without Limitations Exercises Section B
Reading Skills:Scanning Text:The Framework for Love Exercises Unit2 Section A
Text:Iron and the Effects of Exercise Exercises Section B
Reading Skills:Facts or Opinions
Text:Does Exercise Have Unexpected Benefits? Exercises Unit3 Section A
Text:Where Principles Come First Exercises Section B
Reading Skills:Making Predictions Text:CulturaI Differences in Western and Japanese Decision-Making Exercises Unit4 Section A
Text:Five Famous Symbols of American Culture Exercises Section B
Reading Skills:Appreciating Figurative Language Text:Engelbreit’S the Name,Cute is My Game Exercises Unit5 Section A
Text:GracefuI Hands Exercises Section B
Reading Skills:Understanding Idiomatic Expressions Text:Decisions of the Heart Exercises Unit6
Section A
Text:How to Prepare for Earthquakes Exercises Section B
Reading Skills:Skimming
Text:Changes in the Balance of Nature Exercises Unit7 Section A Text:Bill Gates Exercises Section B
Reading Skills:Identifying the Writer’S Purpose Text:Martin Luther King Exercises Unit8 Section A
Text:Legal and Moral Implications of Cloning Exercises Section B
Reading Skills:Identifying the Writer’S Purpose Unit9 Section A
Text:Premarital Agreements
Exercises Section B
Reading Skills:Predicting the Writer’S Ideas Text:Is the Traditional Family Structure at Risk? Exercises Unit10 Section A
Text:The Challenging Friend l Didn’t Know Exercises Section B
Reading Skills:Denotation and Connotation Text:The Meeting of Two Old Friends Exercises
Appendix Glossary