rise指具体事物的“上升”,“升起”,也是不及物动词。如:The sun rises in the east.(太阳从东边升起。)
raise为及物动词,“使??上升”,“举起”等。如:He raised his hand.(他举了手。)
37. assure, ensure, insure
insure表“保险”,有时同ensure可以换用。 38. awake, wake, waken 都可作动词。
awake既可及物,也可不及物,多用于比喻。 wake常指“睡醒”,多为不及物动词。
waken多用作及物动词,常指“吵醒”,“惊醒”。 39. await, wait
await是及物动词。如:I await your further instructions.
wait“等”、“等候”,是不及物动词,后常接介词for。如:I will wait for you at the school
40. award, prize, reward
award, reward作动词。award意为“授予(奖品,奖金等)”,后面可跟双宾语;reward意为“报酬”,“酬谢”,只能跟人或以人的行为作宾语。
award, prize, reward作名词时,award常指奖金,奖品;prize多指在竞赛、竞争中获胜所赢得的奖;reward则指为某项劳动或行为所付的酬金。
41. base, basis
basis多用于比喻,主要指命题的基础。如:His ideas have no basis in reality.(他的意见缺乏现实基础。)
42. beat, win
Win作及物动词时,其宾语为游戏、比赛、战斗、奖金等名词。如:He has won the race.(他赢得了赛跑的胜利。)
43. beneath, below, under
beneath表示同表面接触,与on 相对。Below表示“在下面,低于”,与above相对。
under表示“在??正下方”与over相对。 44. beside, besides
beside在??旁边。如:Come and sit beside me.
besides除??之外。如:I have two other umbrellas besides this one. 45. big, great, large
big强调体积,质量,容量和重量大。如:a big box。Big也有抽象意义,指重大的事件或行为。
如:a big mistake
great带感情色彩,多指程度和质量,指具体事物或人时,表“突出”,“引人注目”。如:a great man
large多指面积,数目或数量大。如:a large population, a large number等。
46. bloom, blossom
bloom多指供观赏植物的开花。如:The roses are blooming.
blossom多指果树等植物的开花。如:The apple trees are blossoming. 47. borrow, lend
borrow借入。如:Can I borrow your pen for a moment? lend把??借给。如:Can you lend me your bike? 48. bring, take
bring带来。如:Bring me some water, please.
take拿走。如:Shall I take some flowers when I go and see her? 49. calculate, compute, estimate
calculate通常指用数学方法进行比较复杂,难度较大的精确计算。如:You can’t expect a schoolboy to calculate distances in astronomy.
compute常指比较简单的运算。如:It was computed that two thirds of the students in the
class passed the examination.
estimate估计,常指对数量、成本等事先进行判断或估计。如:Some farmers asked the weatherman to estimate next year’s rainfall.
50. cheat, deceive, trick
deceive表示隐瞒真相或以假相骗人。如:The boy deceived the teacher by lying.
Tom cleverly tricked his mother into approval. 51. childish, childlike
childish幼稚的。如:It was very childish of him to lose his temper over something so
childlike孩子般天真的。如:When she won the gold medal, there was childlike smile on
her face.
52. choose, pick, select, elect choose是一常用词,表一般的“选择”。
pick通常用于不需要认真权衡,对比就能做出决定。 select侧重“在同类的许多东西中,进行有斟酌的精选”。 elect指选举或用其他方法推选人。 53. cloth, clothing
cloth布。如:I need three yards of cloth to make a suit.
clothing衣服(总称)。如:You’d better give all the old clothing away. 54. complex, complicated 均可表“复杂”。 complex为常用词。
55. compose, consist, constitute
compose为常用词,常用被动语态,如用主动语态,主语应用复数形式。如:Twelve men compose a jury.(十二人组成陪审团。)
consist表一个整体由几个部分组成(只能用主动语态)。如:The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Island.(联合王国是由大不列颠及北爱尔兰组 成。)
constitute为正式用词,与consist相反,表由哪些部分构成整体。如:Twelve months constitute a year.(一年有十二个月。)
56. considerable, considerate
considerable相当多的,可观的。如:He met a considerable amount of trouble.(他遇到了
considerate 考虑周到的,体谅的。如:It was considerate of you not to trouble us.(你
57. consistent, constant, continual, continuous
consistent一致的,符合的。如:His action is always consistent with his words.
constant不断的,表示持续和惯常的重现,往往没有变化。如:He attributes his health to his constant exercise.
continual频频的,不停的,时断时续,中间可有间歇。如:Continual smoking is bad for health.
continuous不断延伸的,连续不断的,强调中间无间断。如:Everything in the universe undergoes continuous development and change.
58. crack, crash
crack(使)破裂,砸开。如:I can crack it, but I can’t break it. (我能把它弄裂,但不能把它弄破。)