法医学:Forensic medicine Legal medicine Medicine jurisprudence 法医病理学(forensic pathology) 法医临床学(forensic clinical medicine)
法医物证学(science of medicolegal physical) 法医毒理学(forensic toxicology)
法医毒物分析(forensic toxicological analysis) 法医人类学(forensic anthropology) 法医精神病学(forensic psychiatry) 法科学:Forensic science(legal)
死亡 (death)
程序性生理死亡(programmed) 凋亡(apotosis) 坏死(necrisis) 死亡学(thanatalogy)
法医死亡学(forensic thanatalogy ) Agonal stage 濒死期 脑死亡(brain death)
植物人(vegetative patient)
多器官功能衰竭(multiple organ failure ,MOF) 超生反应(supravital reaction) 假死(apparent death) 自杀死(suicide death) 他杀死(homicide death)
灾害事故死 (accidental death) Contributing cause of death 辅助死因 Conjunctive cause of death 联合死因 Clinical death stage 临床死亡期 Certification of death 死亡确认 Mechanism of death 死亡机制 Manner of death 死亡方式 Euthanasia 安乐死
Inductive cause of death 死亡原因 Immediate cause of death 直接原因 Underlying cause of death 间接原因
尸体变化(postmortem change/phenomena) 尸冷(algor motis)
尸斑(livor mortis/hypostasis) Turbidity of cornea 角膜混沌 Hypostasis 血液坠积 尸僵(rigor mortis)
尸体痉挛(cadavericsspasm) 肌肉松弛(muscular flaccidity) 自溶(autolysis)
Autodigestion 自身消化
腐败(putrefaction) Postmortem putrefacation 干尸(木乃伊,mummy) 尸腊(adipocere)
parchrvent like transformation 皮革样变
机械性损伤(mechanical injury)
擦伤(abrasion) 表皮剥脱(scrapes) 擦痕(graze) 抓痕(scratch) 压痕(impression) 挫伤(contusion) 挫伤(contusion)
锐器创(sharp instrument wound) 钝器创(blunt instrument wound) 枪弹创(gunshot wound) 挫裂创(laceration) 撕裂创(tearing) 骨折(fracture)
内脏破裂(rupture of viscera) 肢体离断(amputation)
神经源性休克(neurogenic shook) 震荡伤(concussive injury) 切创(incisedwound) Genetic marker 试切创 砍创(chop wound)
抵抗伤(defence wound) 刺创(stab wound)
剪创(scissoring wound) 徒手伤(bare-hands injury) 咬伤(bite wound) 棍棒伤(stick injury)
砖石伤(brick or stone injury) 斧锤伤(axe-hammer injury) 组织间桥(tissue bridge) 高坠伤(injury by falling) 火器伤(firearm injury)
射入口(entrance bullet wound) 挫伤轮(contusion collar)
擦拭轮(abrasion collar) 污垢轮(grease ring) 射击残留物(shot residue) 火药颗粒(smudging) 烟晕(smudging)
枪口印痕(muzzle imprint)
火药斑纹 / 烧灼痕(powder tattoing) 射创管(bullet wound track) 射出口(exit bullet wound) 霰弹创(shotgun wound) 爆炸伤(explosion injury)
致命伤(fatal injury)
绝对致命伤(absolute injury) 条件致命伤(conditional injury) 损伤时间推断(dating of wound) 生前伤(antemortem injuries) 生活反应(vital reaction)
死后伤(postmortem injuries) 颅脑损伤(head injuries)
头皮擦伤(abrasion of the scalp) 头皮挫伤(bruising of the scalp) 头皮裂创(laceration of the scalp)
硬脑膜外出血(extradural hemorrhage) 硬脑膜下出血(subdural hemorrhage)
蛛网膜下腔出血(subarachnoid hemorrhage) 外伤性脑出血(traumatic cerebral hemorrhage)脑损伤(brain injury) 脑挫伤(brain contusion)
弥漫性轴索损伤(diffuse axonal injury,DAI)冲击性脑挫伤(coup contusion)
对冲性脑挫伤(contrecoup contusion) 交通事故损伤(transportation injury) 交通损伤(traffic injuries)
道路交通事故损伤(road traffic accident injury)铁路运输事故损伤(railway accident injury) 撞击伤(impact injury)
摔跌伤(injury sustained by falling) 碾压伤(run-over injury) 伸展创(extension wound) 拖擦伤(haul abrasion) 碰撞伤(impact injury)
挥鞭样损伤(whiplash injury) 保险带损伤(seatbelt injury) 烧伤(burn) 烫伤(scald) 冻伤(frostbite) 冻伤(frostbite)
电击伤(electrical injury) 电击死(electrical death) 电流斑(current mark) Crush injury 挤压伤 Current mark 电流伤 Child abuse 虐待儿童
机械性窒息(mechanical asphyxia ) 呼吸(respiration) 窒息(asphyxia) Tardieu, s斑