Achieve PositiveLearning OutcomesWileyPLUS combines robust course management tools with interactive teaching and learning resources all in one easy-to-use system.It has helped over half a million students and instructors achieve positive learning outcomes in their courses.WileyPLUScontains everything you and your students need— and nothing more, including:The entire textbook online—with dynamic links from homework to relevant sections. Students can use the online text and save up to half the cost of buying a new printed book.Automated assigning & grading of homework & quizzes.An interactive variety of ways to teach and learn the material.Instant feedback and help for students…available 24/7.“WileyPLUShelped me become more prepared. There were more resources available using WileyPLUSthan just using a regular [printed] textbook, which helped out signi?cantly. Very helpful...and very easy to use.”— Student Victoria Cazorla, Dutchess County Community College See and tryWileyPLUS in action!Details and Demo:www.wileyplus.comWhy WileyPLUS for Engineering?WileyPLUSoffers today’s Engineering students the interactive and visual learning materials they need to help them grasp dif?cult concepts—and apply what they’ve learned to solve problems in a dynamic environment.A robust variety of examples and exercises enable students to work problems, see their results, and obtain instant feedback including hints and reading references linked directly to the online text. Students can visualize concepts from the text by linking to dynamic resources such as animations, videos, and interactive LearningWare.See and try WileyPLUS in action!Details and Demo: www.wileyplus.comWileyPLUScombinesrobustcoursemanagementtoolswiththecompleteonline textandalloftheinteractiveteaching&learningresourcesyouandyourstudents need in one easy-to-use system.“I loved this program [WileyPLUS] and I hope I canuse it in the future.” — Anthony Pastin, West Virginia UniversityAlgorithmic questions allow a group of students to work on the same problem with differing values. Students can also rework a problem with differing values for additional practice.MultiPart Problems and GoTutorials lead students through a series of steps, providing instant feedback along the way, to help them develop a logical, structured approach to problem solving.Or, they can link directly to the online text to read about this concept before attempting the problem again—with or without the same values.
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