Romance, like distance, can complicate things. Many teens told of friendships that soured after their friend began seeing someone.爱情,距离之类的东西都能让维系友情变得艰难。许多孩子说自从他们的朋友接触了一些人之后,他们的友情就开始变味了。
\decide that she would still be my friend this school year even after I dissed her to hang out with all these cute guys,\learned my lesson.\情是:在这个学年里我冷待她并和那些更有趣的家伙交往后,她依旧把我当成她的朋友。”14岁的Darilynn说。“我对此真是深受感动,并且我已经接受了教训。。。。。。“ When Friends Move On 当友情已成追忆
Many of you learned the true value of friendship after it was gone. Lots of you urged people to work at their most
important friendships, rather than letting them fall apart after a fight or fade away.当友情消失时许多人才会体会到它的真正价值。许多人鼓励别人尽力维护他们最为看重的友情,而不是在一次冲突后分道扬镳或者让这段友情渐渐消失。
Roxanne, 15, said her closest friend committed suicide recently. Her advice on how to treat your friends? \them like you only have one last day with them.\岁的Roxanne说她最好的朋友就在最近自杀了。对于如何对待朋友的问题上她的建议是:”要像与他们相处最后一天那样珍惜他们。“
And for some, it was OK if good friends only accompanied them for part of their journey in life. People grow and change, and so do their friends. Lily, 14, said her best friend will be moving away this year. Lily will try to stay in contact, but she is realistic about the prospects.当然,如果你的好朋友们要开始他们自己的人生旅途时,你也应该为他们高兴。人是不断成长变化的,朋友也一样。14岁的Lily说她最好的朋友今年就要搬家了,而Lily会尽力与她保持联络,不过她面对未来的不确定性时还是非常现实。