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印象英美 mooc答案

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1. Which day is America’s National Day or Independence Day 4, 1776

2. Who drafted Declaration of Independence Jefferson

3. Who was the first president of America Washington

4. Where was the Second Continental Congress held

successful ending of the French and Indian War extended England's territory to the Appalachian 错误

1783 Treaty of Paris with Great Britain, 13 independent colonies expanded their territory to Mississippi River. 正确

1803, President Washington made the biggest real estate deal and bought the vast Louisiana from Napoleon. 错误

1862, President Lincoln asked the Congress to pass the Homestead Act aiming to promote moving westward for land. 正确

1. The 1783 Treaty of Paris with Great Britain defined the large expansion of land west to__________ River

2. How far did Captain Meriwether Lewis and the Second Lieutenant William Clark reach on the journey commissioned by Thomas Jefferson D. Pacific Ocean

3. Which state is the place attracting thousands of gold-seekers

4. Which of the following state is secured by Mexican-American war

was widely planted in the north while Industry and manufacture developed in the south.


The leader of Underground Railroad was Harriet Tubman. 正确

Tubman also met and debated with Lincoln in the White House. 错误

1. Which of the following state is not slave-holding state in 1860 York

2. Which book conveyed the message that slavery was the root of social cruelty Tom’s Cabin

3. Which is the hidden weapon that Lincoln employed to fight with Confederate Army and finally achieved the reunion of the nation

Military tactics was the hidden weapon that Lincoln employed to fight with Confederate Army and finally achieved the reunion of the nation. 错误

hasn't a country-level education system or curriculum applied to the entire country 正确

children attend kindergarten when they are 4 in America. 错误

1. Which subject is the compulsory subject to American students B. English

2. Which examination should a student must attend if he wants to go to the university in the UK A. the A level system

3. How many years for a British student need to study in the university

is the first-oldest university in the English-speaking world 错误

University is one of the Ivy League in America. 正确

1. The University of Cambridge was established in ________

2. In the following universities, which one doesn’t belong to the Ivy League in America________ University

3. In the following celebrities, who was not graduate from Cambridge University_________. Rockefeller

1. Before you start your applications, what’s the first thing you have to do a careful plan about how to find the best schools that suit your needs What are needed in your application process except________

C. demonstrating their English language proficiency scores from TOEFL or GRE 3. What is the most necessary material you need to submit if you want to apply to an undergraduate degree

original or certified copies of his secondary school transcripts or mark sheets The score of TOEFL that a test taker gets can be hold valid for ________ years.

Which of the following sentences about those international tests are true except ________ SAT Test is offered by ETS five times a year.

ETS has _________ TOEFL test centers in________ different countries. B. 4500,165


Which examination should a student must attend if he wants to go to the university in the UK A level system

Most children attend kindergarten when they are 4 in America. 错误

Full education is compulsory for all children who range from age 5 to 17. 正确

Harvard University is one of the Ivy League in America. 正确

1. Bubble and Squeak is the classic English take-away food. 错误

2. Spotted-Dick is a traditional American food.


3. In UK there’s an old saying, \day.\ 正确

Which of the following food does not belong to British traditional food , sushi

English breakfast is a very substantial meal enjoyed by both the nobility and the working class. 正确

2. A traditional English breakfast usually consists of eggs, bacon, sausages, fried bread, baked beans, black pudding, tomatoes and mushrooms 正确

3. A full English breakfast is same in different regions in Britain. 错误

4. Many British and Irish cafés and pubs serve the full English breakfast at any time as an \ 正确

5. A typical Sunday Roast usually consists of roasted meat, roast potato or mashed potato, with accompaniments such as Yorkshire pudding, stuffing, vegetables and gravy. 正确

6. The most common joints for Sunday Roast are beef, lamb or pork. Chicken is not popular. 错误

1. Drive-through windows also followed so that people can order and eat food right in their cars. 正确

White Castle was the second fast food restaurant set up in America. 错误

3. If left unabated, obesity will then surpass smoking as the leading cause of preventable death in America. 正确

Which of the following statements is not true food is the invention of American people.

history of fast food in America runs parallel to the invention of the car.


2. Fast food franchises became quite popular thanks to their standardized menus, signage, and advertising. 正确

1. It is said that in every single day, the British drink about 165 million cups of tea. That is almost three cups per person. 正确

Tea was born in the UK. 错误

3. The Queen Catherine of Braganza brought tea to the royal court. 正确

1. Which of the following statements about tea is false disappeared immediately after the duty on tea was slashed.

2. Which of the following statements about Boston Tea Party was true

, increasingly touchy about the issue of taxation without representation, refused to let the ships unload.

1. The monopoly on imports held by the merchants of the east India Company kept tea prices artificially high to protect profits, and on top of this government imposed a high level of duty. 正确

2. To avoid taxation and cater for the increasing need of tea, smuggling and adulteration appeared. 正确

After the cut of the taxation, there was a matter involving tea in American colonies, known as “Boston Tea Party”, which eventually sparked off the American War of Independence. 错误

shows that as many as one-third of the people in the world drink coffee, and coffee is the second most heavily traded product in the world only after oil. 正确

2. Legend goes that Shen Nung, an ancient Chinese emperor, discovered tea accidentally. 正确

is the largest producer of coffee in the world.

印象英美 mooc答案


