【期刊名称】《中华器官移植杂志》 【年(卷),期】2000(021)002
【摘要】目的 探讨实验性原位肝移植简易的体位静脉转流是否可起到稳定的转流作用.方法 将实验动物分为体外转流泵静脉转流和体位静脉转流两组,体位静脉转流组采用头低脚高15°,利用体位的重力作用回流,比较两组的心率、平均动脉压、中心静脉压、肺动脉楔压等血流动力学变化,观察转流泵静脉转流与体位静脉转流的差别.结果 两组动物各期的血流动力学变化基本相同(P>0.05).结论 在实验中简易的体位静脉转流可起到稳定的静脉转流作用.%Objective To investigate whether the posture veno-venous bypass could play a stable part in liver transplantation.Methods All animals were divided into two groups according to the veno-venous bypass method:group Ⅰ used venovenous bypass pump,group Ⅱ relied on gravity to backflow when the animals were at the posture of head 15°lower than buttock.Heart rate.mean arterial pressure.center venous pressure and pulmonary wedge pressure were measured to compare the changes in these hemodynamic parameters between two groups.Results There were no different changes in these hemodynamic parameters between two groups(P>0.05).Conclusion Posture veno-venous bypass could play a stable part in liver transplantation. 【总页数】2页(79-80)