【期刊名称】《实用口腔医学杂志》 【年(卷),期】2011(027)002
【摘要】目的:评价树脂EMBRACE WetBond及玻璃离子GC Fuji Ⅶ在隔湿条件有限的情况下对幼儿窝沟封闭半年效果.方法:选取符合纳入标准的成都市3~5 岁114 名幼儿,随机分为2 组.肉眼观察2 种材料在3 个月及6 个月时保存效果.分别记录每位儿童封闭前、3 个月及6 个月时全口ICDAS II.拍摄封闭牙齿3 个月和6 个月时QLF照片.结果:105 名儿童完成了6 个月的临床试验,共计封闭牙齿201 颗.肉眼观察结果显示2 次复查时树脂组封闭效果均优于玻璃离子组(P<0.01).结论:在隔湿条件有限的情况下,树脂EMBRACE WetBond对幼儿乳磨牙的封闭效果明显优于玻璃离子GC Fuji Ⅶ.与肉眼观察相比,QLF技术检测封闭效果的敏感性较高,能够为窝沟封闭的质量控制提供较好的临床依据.%Objective: To assess the effect of resin and glass ionomer as pit and fissure sealant on primary molar teeth using visual examination based on ICDAS Ⅱ and QLF. Methods: Children with at least one primary molar teeth that only had incipient lesions were included in the study. 114 children aged 3 to 5 years old at the start of the study were recruited from one nursery close to Chengdu. The subjects were randomized into two groups and the pit and fissure were treated by EMBRACE Wetbond (PULPDENT Corporation, USA)and GC Fuji Ⅶ (GC Corporation, JAPAN) respectively. Follow-up examinations for sealant