校長推薦入學計劃 – 第二輪申請
Principal Recommended Admission Scheme - Second Round Application
School Application Form
(Applicable to the Association of Hong Kong Chinese Middle Schools Only)
甲部: 學校基本資料
(A) Basic Information of School
School Name
School Address
Name of the Principal
聯絡人Contact Person :_____________________________ 職銜Title :____________________________
聯絡電話 Tel. :_____________________________ 傳真 Fax :____________________________
電郵 E-mail
乙部: 受薦人資料 (兩輪提名最多可推薦10位學生)
(B) List of Nominees (10 nominees at maximum in two rounds nominations) 注意事項: *受薦學生必須先透過香港恒生大學網上入學申請系統或專上課程電子預先報名平台〔E-APP〕遞交入學申請,並完成整個報名手續〔包括繳交報名費〕,方可參加此計劃。此計劃不適用於入讀「指定專業/界別課程資助計劃」下的供應鏈管理工商管理(榮譽)學士課程、精算及保險(榮譽)理學士課程、應用及人本計算學(榮譽)文學士課程、數據科學及商業智能學(榮譽)理學士課程或管理科學與資訊管理(榮譽)學士課程。 Student nominees must first submit application via the HSUHK Online Application System or Electronic Advance Application System for Post-secondary Programmes (E-APP) and complete all the application procedures (including the settlement of application fees) before joining the Scheme. This Scheme is not applicable for admission to BBA-SCM, BSC-AIN, BA-AHCC, BSC-DSBI or BMSIM programme(s) under Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors (SSSDP). **以五科(4科核心科目和1科選修科目)總分計算,包括中、英文、數學、通識教育及一科選修科(數學延伸部分單元一及二除外)。 Calculated by a total scores in 5 subjects (4 core and 1 elective subjects), including Chinese, English, Mathematics, Liberal Studies and 1 elective subject; excluding the extended modules of M1 and M2. ***每位受薦學生的個人履歷及證書/獎項的副本可在七月十九日或之前後補。 Each nominee’s personal profile and copies of certification/awards can be submitted on or before 19 July. 數目 No. 中文及英文全名 Full Name in English and Chinese *申請編號 (恒大自資榮譽學士學位課程) Application No. (HSUHK Self-financed Degree Programme) **2024香港 文憑試 五科總成績 Overall attainment in HKDSE 2024 ***推薦原因 Reason(s) for Nomination
□ 12 □ 13 □ 14 □ 15 □ 16 □ 校內學業成績卓越 Outstanding academic achievements □ 非學術領域表現非凡Distinguished achievements in non-academic areas □ 體育 Sports □ 美術 Arts □ 音樂 Music □ 寫作 Writing □ 領導才能Leadership Qualities 例如: 總領袖生長、學生會會長 □ 17 □ 18 □ 19 □ 20 □ >20 □ 12 □ 13 □ 14 □ 15 □ 16 e.g. Head Prefects, Presidents of Students’ Unions □ 社會服務Community Services 例如: 參加各類義工服務活動 e.g. Active involvement in community projects □ 其他 (請說明: _________________________) Others (Please specify: ____________________) □ 校內學業成績卓越 Outstanding academic achievements □ 非學術領域表現非凡Distinguished achievements in non-academic areas □ 體育 Sports □ 美術 Arts □ 音樂 Music □ 寫作 Writing □ 領導才能Leadership Qualities 例如: 總領袖生長、學生會會長 □ 17 □ 18 □ 19 □ 20 □ >20 e.g. Head Prefects, Presidents of Students’ Unions □ 社會服務Community Services 例如: 參加各類義工服務活動 e.g. Active involvement in community projects □ 其他 (請說明: _________________________) Others (Please specify: _______________________) 1 1900 2 1900
□ 12 □ 13 □ 14 □ 15 □ 16 □ 校內學業成績卓越 Outstanding academic achievements □ 非學術領域表現非凡Distinguished achievements in non-academic areas □ 體育 Sports □ 美術 Arts □ 音樂 Music □ 寫作 Writing □ 領導才能Leadership Qualities 例如: 總領袖生長、學生會會長 □ 17 □ 18 □ 19 □ 20 □ >20 e.g. Head Prefects, Presidents of Students’ Unions □ 社會服務Community Services 例如: 參加各類義工服務活動 e.g. Active involvement in community projects □ 其他 (請說明: _________________________) Others (Please specify: _______________________) 3 1900 □ 12 □ 13 □ 14 □ 15 □ 16 □ 校內學業成績卓越 Outstanding academic achievements □ 非學術領域表現非凡Distinguished achievements in non-academic areas □ 體育 Sports □ 美術 Arts □ 音樂 Music □ 寫作 Writing □ 領導才能Leadership Qualities 例如: 總領袖生長、學生會會長 4 1900 □ 17 □ 18 □ 19 □ 20 □ >20 e.g. Head Prefects, Presidents of Students’ Unions □ 社會服務Community Services 例如: 參加各類義工服務活動 e.g. Active involvement in community projects □ 其他 (請說明: _________________________) Others (Please specify: _______________________)
□ 12 □ 13 □ 14 □ 15 □ 16 □ 校內學業成績卓越 Outstanding academic achievements □ 非學術領域表現非凡Distinguished achievements in non-academic areas □ 體育 Sports □ 美術 Arts □ 音樂 Music □ 寫作 Writing □ 領導才能Leadership Qualities 例如: 總領袖生長、學生會會長 □ 17 □ 18 □ 19 □ 20 □ >20 e.g. Head Prefects, Presidents of Students’ Unions □ 社會服務Community Services 例如: 參加各類義工服務活動 e.g. Active involvement in community projects □ 其他 (請說明: _________________________) Others (Please specify: _______________________) 5 1900 □ 12 □ 13 □ 14 □ 15 □ 16 □ 校內學業成績卓越 Outstanding academic achievements □ 非學術領域表現非凡Distinguished achievements in non-academic areas □ 體育 Sports □ 美術 Arts □ 音樂 Music □ 寫作 Writing □ 領導才能Leadership Qualities 例如: 總領袖生長、學生會會長 6 1900 □ 17 □ 18 □ 19 □ 20 □ >20 e.g. Head Prefects, Presidents of Students’ Unions □ 社會服務Community Services 例如: 參加各類義工服務活動 e.g. Active involvement in community projects □ 其他 (請說明: _________________________) Others (Please specify: _______________________)