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2024年全国硕士研究生招生考试初试自命题试题 科目名称:写作与翻译(□A卷□√B卷)科目代码:858 考试时间:3小时 满分150 分 可使用的常用工具:□√无 □计算器 □直尺 □圆规(请在使用工具前打√) 注意:所有答题内容必须写在答题纸上,写在试题或草稿纸上的一律无效;考完后试题随答题纸交回。 Part One Translation (75 points) I. Translate the following into Chinese (40 points, 8 points for each item). 1) If the man who was seen to take an umbrella from the City Church last Sunday evening does not wish to get into trouble, he will return the umbrella to No. 10 Broad Street. He is well known. 2) It isn’t easy to make the transition from a busy university student to an unemployed young adult slumped on a bar stool or half watching a mindless television show, wondering if and how their career is going to proceed . 3) Shrinking landfill space, and rising costs for burying and burning rubbish are forcing local governments to look more closely at recycling. 4) The assertion that it was difficult, if not impossible, for a people to enjoy its basic rights unless it was able to determine freely its political status and to ensure freely its economic, social and cultural development was now scarcely contested. 5) I write this note today because your going away is much upon my mind, and because I want you to have a few parting words from me to think of now and then at quiet times. I need not tell you that I love you dearly, and am very, very sorry in my heart to part with you. 第 1 页 共 3 页
II. Translate the following into English (35 points, 7 points for each item). 1) 不同的文体所使用的语言是不同的。政治性文章与科技文章不同,新闻报道与文学作品不同,写的文章和嘴上讲话不同。 2) 学校的任务是培养德智体全面发展,能熟练运用外语从事外事和文化交流工作的合格人才。 3) 可以预言,钛(titanium)材料在飞机或各种飞行器上的应用将会与日俱增,并且在其他工业中的应用也会扩大。 4) 东边闪电出日头,西边闪电必有雨,南边闪电天气热,北边闪电有雷雨。 5) 在中国一提到孔子,上至白发苍苍的老人,下至天真幼稚的顽童,无人不知,无人不晓。人们为了纪念他,在许多地方都建有祭祀他的寺庙,天津也不例外。 Part Two Writing (75 points) I. Write an email on the basis of the following information. (25 points) Suppose you are Xiao Wang, a senior at a university and your friend Xiao Li is a freshman at the same university, who does not know how to read English efficiently. Write an email to him, telling him the necessary English reading skills on the basis of your personal learning experience. You should write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write your address and your real name. 第 2 页 共 3 页
II. Write an essay on the basis of the following information (50 points). It is a common practice in China for university teachers’ classroom performance to be evaluated by their students at the end of each term. Some people argue that students’ evaluations of faculty in this way should be posted online. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. You should write at least 300 words. For the above two writing tasks, grading will be based on content, organization, language and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Write your compositions on the ANSWER SHEET The End 第 3 页 共 3 页