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Growth activity of epidermal cells from different parts of human body

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Growth activity of epidermal cells from different

parts of human body

CHAI Jia-ke;SHENG Zhi-yong;MA Zhong-feng;YANG Hong-ming;LIU Qiang;Liang Li-ming

【期刊名称】《中华医学杂志(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2007(120)016

【摘要】Background Most epidermal cells used in skin tissue engineering are obtained from the skins of fetuses or prepuces,which can not be widely used in culturing and transplanting autologous epidermis for patients with extensive burn wounds. To solve the problem, in this study, we cultured epidermal cells from different parts of human body in vitro, and detected their growth activity.Methods Normal epidermal cells obtained from the prepuce, scalp, and axilla of male patients, were cultured and passaged. Their growth characteristics including adherent rate and growth activity were compared. Data were analyzed by homogeneity test of variance.Results In primary culture, the growth of epidermal cells from the prepuce was significantly faster than that of the epidermal cells from the scalp and axilla. In the cells obtained from the prepuce, 80% confluence was achieved on day 12, while on day 16 and day 20 in the cells from the scalp and axilla, respectively. However, no significant difference was detected in their growth and proliferation in the second passage.Conclusions Although

the growth of epidermal cells obtained from the scalp and axilla is slower than that from the prepuce in primary culture, stable cell line can be established and used in preparation of auto-epidermal grafts for patients with extensive burn wounds. Therefore, the scalp and axillary skin should be considered as important sources of epidermal cells other than the prepuce.

【总页数】4页(1444-1447) 【关键词】epidermis; cell growth

【作者】CHAI Jia-ke;SHENG Zhi-yong;MA Zhong-feng;YANG Hong-ming;LIU Qiang;Liang Li-ming

【作者单位】Burns Institute, First Hospital Affiliated to General Hospital of PLA,Beijing 100037, China;Burns Institute, First Hospital Affiliated to General Hospital of PLA,Beijing 100037, China;Burns Institute, First Hospital Affiliated to General Hospital of PLA,Beijing 100037, China;Burns Institute, First Hospital Affiliated to General Hospital of PLA,Beijing 100037, China;Burns Institute, First Hospital Affiliated to General Hospital of PLA,Beijing 100037, China;Burns Institute, First Hospital Affiliated to General Hospital of PLA,Beijing 100037, China 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】R3 【文献来源】


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Growth activity of epidermal cells from different parts of human body


