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外研版七年级英语上册Module 10 unit1.教案

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Spring Festival教学设计


外语教学的人文性不仅仅在于让学生了解异国文化, 培养学生的跨文化交际能力, 还在于传承本族文化. 春节是每个中国学生都很熟悉的节日, 因此本模块的话题与学生的实际生活经历一致, 有利于学习的开展,也因此具有良好的图式基础. 本模块以介绍中国的春节为主, 对话和阅读文章所描述的都是中国的传统民俗, 这对文化传承十分重要.第一单元主要是Tony 给玲玲打电话,从电话中得知玲玲的一家正在为春节作准备,Tony 对此也非常感兴趣,他也打算来玲玲家一起迎接新年.


subject: Spring Festival

Teaching content: Reading ,speaking and listening

Teaching method: Task-based approach, PWP,

Teaching aims :

Improve students’ reading and speaking listening ability. To identify what people do to prepare for Spring Festival.

To identify the questions like What is/are…doing? What is happening? To introduce how people prepare for Spring Festival

Key vocabulary---dance, clean, cook, meal, speak, happen, ready, get ready for, festival, beautiful, put things away, hard, floor, join

Key structures—What is happening?/ What are you doing at the moment?/ I am making big red lanterns./ Is your father helping you?/ No, he isn’t. He is still at work.

三、Teaching Procedures: I. Lead in

Show a video about spring festival

Get the students to look at the video to know traditions about Spring Festival. Then ask two questions 1)What is it about?

2)What are people doing?

Call back their ideas in class.通过视频导出本课话题Spring Festival. 设计意图:通过问题式谈论进入到本课话题,借助视频导入新课.

II. Presentation

When we are getting ready for Spring Festival, we are doing something to welcome the New Year, match the pictures with the expressions.

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设计意图:本活动为图式激活活动, 激活的既有语言图式,也有内容图式.图片可以把学生带入春节的情景, 有助于激发学生的兴趣, 也为词汇的学习作准备. 然后使用这些词组来讲授现在进行时的一般疑问句及肯定回答和否定回答.在这个环节中使用点读笔纠正发音,使学生养成良好的发音习惯.

III. Listening

We are going to hear a conversation between Tony and Lingling, listen to the conversation and answer two questions. 1) What is Tony doing?

2) What are Lingling and her family doing?

Then listen to the passage again and answer another two questions 1) Is Lingling’s father helping her?

2) Are Daming and Betting learning a dragon dance?

设计意图:在这个环节让学生带着问题去听, 有目的的听可以培养学生的听力能力.同时这两个题目的设置也有两个作用,一是与本课的话题有关,二是与本课要讲的语法有关,即现在进行时的一般疑问句及肯定回答和否定回答.

IV. Reading

Step1. Read the passage by yourself, and then finish the exercise.


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Step2. Mind Map

In China Spring Festival is a traditional festival, everybody is quite busy now. In Ling ling’s family, Lingling is making lanterns.

Is her father helping her? ---- No , he isn’t. He is still at work.

What is her mother doing?--- She is cleaning the house and putting things away. What about her aunt?--- She is sweeping the floor.

Is her grandma sweeping the floor?--- She is cooking the meal. Who is learning a dragon dance? ----- Daming and Betty


设计意图:借助思维导图,帮学生搭建框架,给学生足够的时间讨论春节习俗,让学生练习表达,让 学生能对所学知识做到更好的输出。

Step3 Deep understanding

This time let’s look at the character”chun”again, then ask the students some deep understanding questions.

1). During the spring festival, Lingling’s father is till at work. What can you lean from this sentence.

Answer: During the Spring Festival not all the people are on holiday, when we are getting ready for Spring Festival, some people are still working. 2). Her mother is sweeping the floor and putting things away. 3). What will happen at the end of the dialogue? 4). Are they having a good time?

Sum up: We can say in China, Spring Festival is the most important festival; all the people will get together to celebrate it. Although they are quite busy, they are having a good time. So Spring Festival means reunion and happiness.

设计意图:阅读的深层次理解问题可以加深学生对课文的理解,在这里我提出了四个问题,第一个问题是让学生了解到当我们放假在为春节做准备时还有一些人仍然在工作.比如部分警察和医生等。 第二个问题让学生学会感恩,通过玲玲的妈妈一直在忙碌着这件事情推出所有的父母都是这么辛苦操劳着,所以我们做儿女的应该尽可能的帮助父母做一些力所能及的事情, 减轻父母的负担。第三个问题是培养学生推测的能力, 能根据课文的内容学会分析和逻辑推理。最后一个问题是让学生的全文有一个整体感知的画面感, 虽然大家都在为春节而忙碌着但是大家都很高兴。因为春节就意味着团圆和快乐。

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外研版七年级英语上册Module 10 unit1.教案


