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第 0 页 共 6 页
汇编指令英文全称(word版可编辑修改) 汇编指令英文全称
指令 英文全称 MOV move extended move with sign MOVSX data extended move with zero MOVZX data PUSH push POP pop PUSHA push all POPA pop all PUSHAD push all data POPAD pop all data BSWAP byte swap XCHG exchange CMPXCHG compare and change XADD exchange and add XLAT translate
指令 英文全称 IN input OUT output
指令 英文全称 LEA load effective address LDS load DS LES load ES LFS load FS LGS load GS LSS load SS 4、标志传送指令
指令 英文全称 LAHF load AH from flag SAHF save AH to flag PUSHF push flag POPF pop flag PUSHD push dword flag POPD pop dword flag
第 0 页 共 6 页
汇编指令英文全称(word版可编辑修改) 1、算术运算指令
指令 英文全称 ADD add ADC add with carry INC increase 1 AAA ascii add with adjust DAA decimal add with adjust SUB substract SBB substract with borrow DEC decrease 1 NEC negative CMP compare ascii adjust on AAS substract decimal adjust on DAS substract MUL multiplication IMUL integer multiplication ascii adjust on AAM multiplication DIV divide IDIV integer divide
AAD ascii adjust on divide CBW change byte to word change word to double CWD word change word to double CWDE word with sign to EAX change double word to CDQ quadrate word
指令 英文全称 AND and OR or XOR xor NOT not TEST test SHL shift left SAL arithmatic shift left SHR shift right SAR arithmatic shift right ROL rotate left ROR rotate right 第 1 页 共 6 页