【期刊名称】《火箭推进》 【年(卷),期】2012(038)002
【摘要】根据测量不确定度的评定方法,分析和计算低温热敏电阻温度计校准装置的测量不确定度。通过校准结果的不确定度评定,掌握校准装置的计量性能及误差来源,为国防计量标准的建立、实行与考核提供不确定度评定的依据。%The measurement uncertainty of a calibration system for cryogenic thermistor thermometers applied to rocket engines is analyzed and computed according to the evaluation method of measurement uncertainty.Through the uncertainty evaluation of calibration results,the performance and error of the calibration system for cryogenic thermistor thermometers applied to rocket engines were mastered,and the gist of uncertainty evaluation was provided for the establishment,effectuation and exmaination of the metrological standard in national defense. 【总页数】4页(75-78)
【关键词】低温热敏电阻温度计;不确定度评定;校准装置 【作者】董雪;杨晓阳;兰玉岐
【作者单位】北京航天试验技术研究所,北京100074;北京航天试验技术研究所,北京100074;北京航天试验技术研究所,北京100074 【正文语种】中文