酒店管理行政 Key Duplication配制钥匙——集团连锁酒店管理公司
Key Duplication
Objective 目标: Any keys (except room keys, which a separate policy applies) confirmed lost or damaged, replacement must be approved by the Director of Finance & Business Support or his designate (in his absence) before the key(s) can be duplicated. 任何钥匙(除客房钥匙外,适用另一个单独的制度)被确认丢失或损坏,一定要得到财务总监的批准后(如财务总监外出,则要得到他授权的人批准)才能重新配制钥匙。 This is to prevent unauthorized duplication of keys and in circulation without the knowledge of the management. Unauthorized duplication of key(s) is a serious offense. 用以防止擅自配制钥匙,并在没有得到认可时就使用; 擅自配制钥匙是一个严重的过错。 Procedure 程序: 1. If a key is missing, the concerned associate must get his Department Head’s approval to duplicate the missing key in writing using the Key and Lock Duplication Request Form. 如果钥匙丢失需要重新配制,该员工必须填写《钥匙及锁配制申请表》,并经部门经理的批准。 1
叶予舜 二〇二〇年四月二十四日星期五
2. The Key and Lock Duplication Request Form will be then approved by the Director of Finance & Business Support. If there is a spare key from his replacement set, he will issue it from the key box and the key control log will be updated accordingly. 《钥匙及锁配制申请表》要经过财务总监审批;如果财务总监处存有两条以上的备用钥匙,他会将其中的一把发给相关员工,同时更新他的钥匙控制记录。 However, if there is no spare key from the replacement set, a key will be released from the key box to be passed to the Chief Engineer to duplicate a new key upon receipt of the Key and Lock Duplication Request Form from Finance. (if hotel do not have a key cutting machine, the key will be duplicated externally by an authorized key maker.) 如果财务总监处只有一把备用钥匙,他应将备用钥匙交予工程总监,在收到《钥匙及锁配制申请表》后,按要求配制新钥匙(如果酒店没有钥匙配制机,那么酒店钥匙的配制工作应该由经酒店授权的店外钥匙制造商去完成)。 3. After duplication, the Chief Engineer will return both keys to Finance Department and the Key and Lock Duplication Request Form to Finance indicating the task completed. 配制完毕后,工程总监须将备用钥匙、已配制的钥匙及《钥匙及锁配制申请表》提交财务部,以示任务完成。 4. Finance will tag the newly-cut key and issue the duplicate key to concerned associate. The key control log will be updated accordingly. 财务部会给新配制的钥匙标上标签并发给相关员工,同时更新钥匙控制记录。 5. Should there be the need to switch lock sets, the procedures above shall apply, i.e. approval must be 2
叶予舜 二〇二〇年四月二十四日星期五
酒店管理行政 Key Duplication配制钥匙——集团连锁酒店管理公司2032(叶予舜)