【期刊名称】《医疗装备》 【年(卷),期】2016(029)004
【摘要】目的:通过远程实时监测计算机房的电压、电流、温度和湿度等,确保计算机房的安全。方法运用传感器将现场的参数通过无线网络系统传送至手机和电脑。通过手机把控制指令传送至现场模块从而控制现场设备。结果确保计算机房在无人值班时的安全性得以保障,提高医院网络系统的可靠性。结论建立智能远程计算机房自动并连续不间断地监测、控制、报警系统和机房各项环境因素,保障机房内各种设备的安全运行及避免计算机网络瘫痪,均有重要意义。%Objective To ensure the safety in the computer room through the voltage,remote real - time monitoring computer room of the current,temperature,humidity and remote monitoring computer room. Methods using the sensor to the scene of the parameter to a mobile phone and computer through the wireless network system. Through the mobile phone to control instruction to the module to control field devices. Results the computer room guarantee security in unat ended. In order to improve the reliability of hospital network system. 【总页数】2页(40-40,41)
【关键词】计算机房自动远程测控;3G 无线传输;4G 无线传输;防盗;报警 【作者】曾禄平;林坚