A gearshift device
申请(专利)号: DE2001139512
专利号: DE10139512A1 主分类号: F16H63/30 申请权利人: BAYERISCHE
WERKE AG, 80809 MüNCHEN, DE 公开国代码: DE 优先权国家: DE
摘 要:
The a gearshift device has two adjacent tracks, whose distance is selected so that the shifting channels along the direction of the projected outer circumferences of the gear-change sleeves intersect or
overlap. For this purpose, a sliding sleeve in the peripheral area of a circumferential \part of the peripheral area of the other sliding sleeve can engage. The recess can be, for example, a circumferential groove-type recess. The engaging in
recess part of the other sliding sleeve can be a complementary annular elevation. The width of the groove-like recess, however, is greater than the width of the annular elevation, so that a relative axial displacement of the two sliding sleeves is possible. 主权项:
申请日: 2001-08-10 公开公告日: 2003-03-06
分类号: F16H63/30;
F16H3/08 发明设计人: K?RBER, MARTIN,
85375 NEUFAHRN, DE 申请国代码: DE
优先权: 20010810 DE
摘 要 附 图:
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A gearshift device