Karnaugh Maps & Combinational Logic DesignECE 152A –Winter 2012Reading Assignment?Brown and Vranesic?4Optimized Implementation of Logic Functions??4.1 Karnaugh Map4.2 Strategy for Minimization??4.2.1 Terminology4.2.2 Minimization Procedure???4.3 Minimization of Product-of-Sums Forms4.4 Incompletely Specified Functions4.8 Cubical Representation?4.8.1 Cubes and HypercubesJanuary 18, 2012ECE 152A -Digital Design Principles2Reading Assignment?Roth?1Introduction Number Systems and Conversion??1.4 Representation of Negative Numbers1.5 Binary Codes?4Applications of Boolean Algebra Mintermand Maxterm Expansions?4.5 Incompletely Specified FunctionsJanuary 18, 2012ECE 152A -Digital Design Principles3Reading Assignment?Roth(cont)?5Karnaugh Maps?????5.1 Minimum Forms of Switching Functions5.2 Two-and Three-Variable Karnaugh Maps5.3 Four-Variable Karnaugh Maps5.4 Determination of Minimum Expressions Using Essential Prime Implicants5.5 Five-Variable Karnaugh MapsJanuary 18, 2012ECE 152A -Digital Design Principles4Canonical Forms?The canonical Sum-of-Products (SOP) and Product-of-Sums (POS) forms can be derived directly from the truth table but are (by definition) not simplified??Canonical SOP and POS forms are “highest cost”, two-level realization of the logic functionThe goal of simplification and minimization is to derive a lower cost but equivalent logic functionJanuary 18, 2012ECE 152A -Digital Design Principles5
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