Decide True or False: Literature as writing is “imaginative” or fictive, as opposed to factual, true, or historical.
What are the Primary Elements of a Plot?
Which of the following can be regarded as a theme statement? What are the possible themes of Eudora Welty’s “A Worn Path”?
Decide True or False: Style is concerned not with “what to say” but “how to say it”. What does the narrative voice in Hemingway’s “In Another Country” sound like? In Aspects of the Novel, E.M. Foster classifies characters into ...? What’s true about “indirect characterization”? What’s true about Gabriel in “The Dead”?
What does the image of “eggs” symbolize in “The Eggs”? The earliest theoretical work on drama is Plato’s Poetics. ________________ is the reasoning aspect of drama.
Negative capability refers to the capability of being in uncertainties, mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact and reason. Which word did Portia use to address Shylock? Kristine Linde is a round character.
In what is the theme of love presented? What type of woman is Vivie?
To what does Waiting for Godot owe part of its success?
Since it was produced, The Last Night of Ballyhoo has gotten a great reputation and it was performed in ______ during the Olympic Games. It was Lala’s ______ identity that led her self-conflict.
Which of the following tropes is the most central to the art of poetry? Which of the following statements about tone in poetry is NOT True?
Emily Dickinson’s poems involve perceptions of life, mainly about the traditional themes in literature, such a ( ).
Decide True or False: “The jar” in Wallace Stevens’s “Anecdote of the Jar” is a symbol of beauty. Decide True or False: Wallace Stevens is the author of the well-known imagistic poem “The Red Wheelbarrow”.
Decide True or False: William Blake is the author of “London”.
Who insists that, “the end of writing is to instruct; the end of poetry is to instruct by pleasing”? In “Nothing gold can stay”, what are the symbolic meanings of “gold”?
Decide True or False: Assonance refers to the repetition of the same vowel sound within one line of a poem.
In which poem Longfellow used very symmetrical syntax with passion to express his optimistic attitude towards life?
2019智慧树Introduction to English Literature英语文学导论单元测试答案