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【期刊名称】《湖南农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 【年(卷),期】2011(037)003

【摘要】To build up the resistant scale of rice cultivars against the false smut and to define relationship between the scale and rice yield loss, three main components of 24 cultivars relating to resistance against rice false smut were firstly analyzed by principal component analysis in this study.The relationship between percent yield loss (PYL) and the average diseased grains per panicle (ADGPP) was built by linear regression analysis.Based on the selected three components, 101 cultivars were clustered by the longest distance method with Euclidean distance.The result indicated that among the three components, ADGPP was a principal resistant component against rice false smut.The regression equation between PYL and ADGPP was y=2.8624x+0.5427 (P=0.0001).Based on the above ADGPP, 101 cultivars were clustered into 6 groups by the above method at T=0.4000.Thus 6 scales for evaluation of the rice cultivars against false smut in the field was built based on ADGPP, which agreed with Standard Evaluation System for Rice (SES) of International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), viz.scale 0, ADGPP=0.000 (highly resistant, HR); scale 1, ADGPP= 0.001-0.100 (resistant, R); scale 3,ADGPP=0.101-0.410 (moderate resistant, MR); scale 5, ADGPP=

0.411-1.010 (moderate susceptibility, MS); scale 7, ADGPP=1.011-1.760, (susceptibility, S); scale 9, ADGPP≥ 1.761 (highly susceptibility,HS).The PYL were 0, 0.546%-0.829%, 0.546%-0.829%, 0.830%-1.716%, 1.717%-3.434%, 3.435%-5.581% and above 5.582% for HR, R, MR, MS, S and HS scales respectively, which indicated resistant scales of rice cultivars and PYL were negatively related.%对24个水稻品种(系)与稻曲病抗性有关的3个主要组分(病穗率、平均每穗病粒数、每千粒含病粒数)进行主成分分析;用线性回归法分析衡阳具代表性的14个水稻品种产量损失率与平均每穗病粒数的关系;以中选组分用欧氏距离和最长聚类法对101个品种进行聚类.结果表明:平均每穗病粒数为主要抗性组分;14个品种的产量损失率与平均每穗病粒数的回归方程为y=2.862 4x+0.542 7(P=0.000 1);用平均每穗病粒数组分,当阈值T=0.400 0,将101个水稻品种聚为6类,依6类品种间的平均每穗病粒数值,并参照国际水稻病害分级标准,将水稻品种对稻曲病的抗性划分为6级,并将各级平均每穗病粒数值代入回归方程得出其产量损失率,即各级平均每穗病粒数和产量损失率为:0级,0.000粒,产量损失率0,高度抗病;1级,0.001~0.100粒,产量损失率0.546%~0.829%,抗病;3级,0.101~0.410粒,产量损失率0.830%~1.716%,中度抗病;5级,0.411~1.010粒,产量损失率1.717%~3.434%,中度感病;7级,1.011~1.760粒,产量损失率3.435%~5.581%,感病;9级,每穗病粒数≥1.761粒,产量损失率≥5.582%,高度感病. 【总页数】5页(275-279)



【作者单位】湖南农业大学生物安全科学技术学院,湖南长沙410128;湖南省植物保护研究所,湖南长沙410125;湖南农业大学生物安全科学技术学院,湖南长沙410128;湖南农业大学生物安全科学技术学院,湖南长沙410128;湖南省植保植检站,湖南长沙410005;湖南省植保植检站,湖南长沙410005;湖南省植保植检站,湖南长沙410005;湖南省植保植检站,湖南长沙410005 【正文语种】中文

【中图分类】S435.111.4+6 【文献来源】

https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/academic-journal-cn_journal-hunan-agricultural-university-natural-sciences_thesis/02012359290.html 【相关文献】

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