龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
作者:刘道维 李铁男 徐柳娟
摘要:依据嘉荫县实测地下水资量,对天然补给量进行计算分析,分别采用平均布井法和开采系数法对地下水可开采量进行计算,最后对嘉荫县地下水资源量供需平衡进行分析,结果表明嘉荫县地下水可开采量满足了项目建设用水的要求,具有一定开采潜力。 关键词:地下水资源量;天然补给量;可开采量;供需平衡分析 中图分类号 TV211.1 文献标识码A文章编号1007-7731(2014)13-146-04
Calculation of Groundwater Resources and Analysis of Supply and Demand Balance in Jiayin County
Liu Daowei et al.
(Heilongjiang Provincial Hydraulic Research Institute, Harbin 150080,China) Abstract:This paper calculated and analysised the natural recharge based on the amount of Jiayin measured groundwater resources. Calculated groundwater exploitation use the average well spacing method and mining factor method respectively, finally analysised supply and demand balance of Jiayin groundwater resources, analysis showed that Jiayin groundwater exploitation meeted the requirements of the construction of water projects, had some potential for exploitation. Key words:Groundwater resources;Natural recharge;Recoverable amount;Analysis of supply and demand balance
1 地下水资源量分析方法
1.1 计算参数的确定 计算参数是地下水资源评价水均衡方法中各补给项计算的重要依据。主要应用的参数有多年平均降雨量X、降水入渗补给系数α、水面蒸发量E0、含水层渗透系数