【期刊名称】《计算机仿真》 【年(卷),期】2013(030)002
【摘要】研究污水生化处理优化问题,由于受到当前监测手段和分析方法的限制,污水生化处理系统活性污泥模型的许多参数不能直接或准确测定.模型的参数并不具备普遍性,应用于不同污水处理厂的模型参数并不能取同样的值.针对这一问题,采用改进的免疫算法对模型参数值进行估算.改进的免疫算法采用周期性变化的变异算子以及混合评价指标的免疫选择算子,提高算法的搜索能力,使模型的动力学性质最大程度地拟合实验观测数据.仿真结果表明,改进的免疫算法能提高污水处理系统的计算精度和速度.%Due to the limitation of current monitoring and analysis method, many parameters of activated sludge models can not be directly or accurately determined. The model parameters are uncertain, and the model parameters used in different environments can not take the same parameter values. To remedy such a situation, an intelligent estimate method for model parameters was proposed based on improved immune algorithm. In the improved immune algorithm, a periodically varying mutation operator and an immune selection operator with integrated evaluation index were designed to search ability. It can make the kinetic properties of the model to fit the experimental data as close as possibly. The experimental results show that the improved immune algorithm is of