新标准大学英语综合教程3 unit9-10 课后答案(含课后翻译)
Active reading 2
Match the words in the box with their definitions.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words.
Choose the right words or expressions to complete the sentences. a b a b b b a b a b
Language in use
Rewrite the sentences using -something or -odd.
1. There are about 20 people waiting in the corridor outside.
There are twenty-odd people waiting in the corridor outside. 2. The new lecturer is between 50 and 60, I think. The new lecturer is fifty-something, I think.
3. Why don't you invite all your friends who are in their thirties? Why don't you invite all your thirty-something friends? 4. I reckon that there were 200 people in the cinema. There were two hundred-odd people in the cinema.
5. I don't know how old she is, maybe between 70 and 80. I don't know how old she is, maybe seventy-something.
Rewrite the sentences using as much / many ... as ther is / are. Follow the example. 1.In Britain for every curious surname there is an interesting place name.
There are as many curious surnames in Britain as there are interesting place names. 2.For each community in the capital there is a major cultural festival.
There are as many major cultural festivals in the capital as there are communities.
3.There is a lot of confusion about the new traffic rules, and there is the same amount of dissatisfaction about the changes in the opening hours of shops.
There is as much confusion about the new traffic rules as there is dissatisfaction about the changes in the opening hours of shops.
4.For each member of our organization there is a different opinion about what we should do.
There are as many different opinions about what we should do as there are members of our organization.
5.I've got the feeling that the number of problems to resolve on this project is equivalent to the number of stars in the sky.
There are as many problems to resolve on this project as there are stars in the sky.
1. Who doesn't support the policy? Feminists.
2. How long has the policy worked? Hundreds of years.
3. Who doesn't want to see it abused? Icelandic people.
4. If the policy changed, what might some people want to do? They might want to give their children unusual names. 5. What is Snowmobile an example of?
It is an example of a ridiculous name and abuse of the naming system.
Read the explanations of the words. Answer the questions. 1.
(a)Ten to one.
(b)I will have a rational attitude. (c)They are toally unreasonable. (d)No, it is rather large.
(a)Yes, because people pay you a large amount of money. (b)Growing cities
(c)No, I am not really hungry. 3.
(a)Machines are a mystery to me. (b)Yes, I have to sit next week's test.
(c)No, I think names need to be more imaginative. 4.
(a)Spending a lot.
(b)A sudden increase in power flow caused by something like lightning may damage electrical appliances.
(c)No, run, because people are suddenly rushing towards you like a wave on a beach. (d)When a sudden powerful emotion fills you, it is very difficult to control. 5.
(a)Yes, or things will be disorganized.
(b)No, there is plenty of public transport to use. (c)I think it is mainly because they want a change. (d)Yes, or else I cannot revise later
Translate the paragraphs into Chinese.
1. In Europe, the Romans started calling people by their given name and family name in Latin from 300 BC, but it wasn't common practice throughout Europe until the 10th or 11th century, when first, the lords and gentry, then middle-class citizens, and finally everyone used surnames. The necessity for surnames arose when the population began to grow. Suddenly there was more than one person with the same name in a village, so surnames were used. Generally, these surnames were not handed down to the next generation, but after the fall of the Roman Empire, Ireland was one of the first countries to adopt hereditary surnames, and Irish surnames are found as early as the10th century.
2. To make matters more complicated, a survey out last week suggests teenagers are a lot more conservative than we might think. They're in favour of the monarchy, long prison sentences and patriotism, so this would lead us to believe they'd be against having silly names such as Rawlplug.
But my oldest daughter disagrees. On a really, really drunken night, my wife and I seriously thought about calling her Boadicea, but the following day over the Nurofen we went for Emily. And now she's livid about it, riding around the garden with knives on her bicycle wheels, saying we were dull and unimaginative.
新标准大学英语综合教程3 unit9-10 课后答案(含课后翻译)