姚吉利; 徐宇飞; 肖薇
【期刊名称】《《地球空间信息科学学报(英文版)》》 【年(卷),期】2007(010)003
【摘要】Three transformation models (Bursa-Wolf, Molodensky, and WTUSM) are generally used between two data systems transformation. The linear models are used when the rotation angles are small; however, when the rotation angles get bigger,model errors will be produced. In this paper, we present a method with three main terms: ① the traditional rotation angles θ,φ,ψ are substituted with a,b,c which are three respective values in the anti-symmetrical or Lodrigues matrix; ② directly and accurately calculating the formula of seven parameters in any value of rotation angles; and ③ a corresponding adjustment model is established. This method does not use the triangle function. Instead it uses addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and the complexity of the equation is reduced, making the calculation easy and quick.
【关键词】3D transformation; linear model; transformation equation; Lodrigues matrix
【作者】姚吉利; 徐宇飞; 肖薇 【作者单位】