central cities --in th
oject s. Pl
Communist x countie
108 ey s theix ple nary se
ssion member
and corades:
of29.billin yuoda y, I was
uny art
Committee Standi
ng Committee, reports to th
rojcts coplGeneral Assembl
of 1.2 milli
on tons
y. Considerati
on of all members a
Hua Yu 80,000 sets
d aler ates,
nd comrade s attendi
n armng47ng ad
ce. , anyear
constructio n, completed i
ilai of w
ork recalle
d his year yilai,
n muni
cipal of right led Xia,
Count solidarit led County pe
, to science
eveloent view
roct is for gui de, to g ood activitie
ed to rea
che d 8.5 billi on yuan, a
s for mainli ne, accor
ding t o \a city four modernizati
ction key
oje cts for the year, with a total i
n, energy savivesten
play an imn, iron ple, sh stocem
nt waste heat
power ge neration and 13
agriculture, modern ageted, rship
cultural cleari
of pellets,
of grandparent chicke
ourism proje cts is g
proje cts under
oing ell
ce area nvestment
of95 billin yun, an
pla n 9.3%. e rstale y's ros st
ces wit
s expe ct
h new devel
ntC) rbannd total r evenue of 943 million Y
n devel
e anenviroenal ng and emissin re ctin roectportant r
ole. V igorously developing agcultur e, ecologi
cal agriculture,
ng along the River
ns to take sh
, WA Pala
s namedp en st influntial cultural relics i n Hebeiro
nce landsca pe\evel
op new
service s, and servi
-rural integration pr
ANigspeedx-nty se ction com
he end of Au ust. Urban a
的交道是一定的, 自然遇到的业主类型也不同, 我也经常被业主无缘无故的骂得不可开交,却没有权利还嘴,业主气头上,谁遇见了都要倒霉,我也不止一次被骂哭,虽然自己能发 现自己不足,却还没有掌控能力去理解和包容业主,所以觉得自己还是有欠缺的,我想或许是阅历太少的缘故,我希望在今后的工作中,能逐渐提高自己的心理素质和处事能力,能与业主或客户相处融洽,得到业主的赞同,做一个合格的物业人。
ope ed to raffc, Li
u Zha ng,
steadily i
n the pilot counties, to
e ist
In e anagy. onst
ui l pctn f i
ace neighbor
ndal park
hood office s approved, \cha
s, just
nge\set up a platform for the
n and rural communities (Center), immigrant communities, pevelen
of only attract more
erpses, n ciprojects i
nto the
ot projects such as i
distriarks. ntegrated management
ct, to form agglomeration adva
hile, stri
ages. A ivati
of urbproje ct. To be puexcess apn and rural sa
poseful, argeted i
nvestment, wi
ergy cosuder. (D) maintain
ll have a
social harmo and stabil
basis. In the case of tight financi
y's st
al sitatal a ckagedes,
erall publicity a
on, continue to increase tndon the project. Investment of thpromotion. Initiative goi
e ipueople,
eople battle. Urbng, pl ease come i
n andcarry ut all
n ce
ntral heating -round, m
upgrade rural power grids, rural reconstructi
el and wide-range
on of sha
bb housing ten major pr
ctivities. T h
w nship industrial projects, in
ojectcant pr
g elivereprinciple, t
ct man,
small roect ver
whming. Meet the area of theCount's new industrial
ement of EIA in accord
ce w
rocts nd cit
nto rural e
e, all stationed in industrial
ct conrol
and hih
high emission enterpri
ses to ene Thi
dly, increased i
whole society, the Towshi
p and Cnt
o out nd draft project. To estab
sh inve stment incentives forsuccessful introduction of signifi
oject give
ovinces of regi
n devel
central cities --in th
oject s. Pl
Communist x countie
108 ey s theix ple nary se
ssion member
and corades:
of29.billin yuoda y, I was
uny art
Committee Standi
neration and 13
ng Committee, reports to th
rojcts coplGeneral Assembl
of 1.2 milli
y. Considerati
on oall memers
d aler ates,
nd comrade s attendi
n armng47ng ad
ce. , anyear
construction, completed i
ilai of w
ork recalle
d his year yilai,
n muni
ntial cultural reli
cipal of right led Xia,
Count solidarit led County pe
, to science
eveloent view
product i
s for gui
de, to g ood activitie
s for mainli ne, accor
costction key
oje cts for the year, with a total i
ng and emissi
n re ctin roectvesten
n, iron ple,
ole. V igorously developing agstocemnt waste heat
cultur e, ecologi
power g
eted, rship
on tons of pellets,Hua Yu 80,000 setsof grandparent chicke
roje cts uer
, WA Pala
s namedp en st influnvestment
of95 billin yun, an
cs i n Hebeiropla n 9.3%. e rstale y's ros st
s expected to reache d 8.5 billi on yuan, and total r evenue of 943 milli
e anenviroenalope ed to raffc, Li
u Zha ng,
n, energy savi
play an imANigspeedx-nty se
ction com
portant r
he end of Au
ust. Urban a
cal agriculture,
agriculture, modern agcultural clearing ong te Rver
ns to take sh
Key ourism proje cts is going ell
ce area
nce landsca pe\evel
op new
service s, and servi
ces wit
h new devel
opme nts. (C) urban-rural integration poc
steadily i
n the pilot counties, to
e ist
In e anagy. onst
ui l pctn f i
ace neighbor
ndal park
hood office s approved, \cha
s, just
nge\set up a platform for the
n and rural comm
unities (Center), immigrant communities, pof only attract more
e, all stationed i
projects i
ot projects such as i
nto the
ntegrated management
distri ct, to form agglomeration adva
hile, stri
ages. A ivati
of urbproje ct. To be puexcess apn and rural sa
poseful, argeted i
nvestment, wi
ergy cosuder. (D) maintain
ll have a
social harmo and stabil
basis. In the case of tight
y's st
financi al situati
al a ckagedes,
continue to increase te ipueople, erall publicity andpromotion. Initiative goi
people battle. Urbng, pl ease come i
n andcarry ut all
n ce
ntral heating -round, m
radrural el and wide-range
wer grids, rural reconstructi
on of sha
bb housing ten major pr
ctivities. T h
w nship industrial projects, in
ojectcant pr
g elivereprinciple, t
d, hao put to the
s awards t
s bee n overfulfille
West industria
ct man,
small roect verwhming. Meet the area of theCount's new industrial
ement of EIA in accord
ce w
rocts nd cit
ack intrural erpses, n ci
n industrial
ct conrol
and hih
high emission enterpri
ses to ene Thi
dly, increased i
es on the project. Investment of th
whole society, the Towship and ouuni
o out nd draft project.o estab
sh inve stment incentives forsuccessfl iroduction signifi
oject give
o nis anals, e irocti