uilg i stry
g evel osix ple nary ses u n
ssion member
and corades:
w wrl d of entre preneurial str
uggle to build a t
oda y, I was
ovinces of regiuny art
power gcoe nerationst and 13
Committee Standi
central cities --in th
ng Committee, reports to th
Communist x countie
eted, rshipGeneral Assembl
s the
y. Considerati
on oall memers
d aler ates,
nd comrade s attendi
ng ad
ce. , anyear
construction, completed i
ilai of w
ork recalle
d his year yilai,
of95 billin yun muni
n, ancipal of right led Xia,
Count solidarit led County pe
, to science
eveloent view
s exps for gui de, to g ood activitie
op new
nd total r evenue of 943 milli
s for mainli ne, accor
ding t o \a city four modernizati
economic, graspeconomy and rapi
ope ed to raffc, Li
u Zha ng,
vestend ecoc eve
of29.billin yunt project is t o hold\phy, t
lopme nt. Focus more on the
ANigspeedx-nty se
o extraon, iron plrdie, dialectiction com
cal relatishipletedy
sh nary efforts to pstocemn, energy saving and emissi
nt waste heat
beteen re ctin roectplay an im
n devel
rojcticton s cokey pl
e portant ranenviroenalhe end of Auust. Urban a
ole. V igorously developing ag
oject s. Plprotect
of 1.2 milli108 ey
oje cts for the year, with a total ion tons of pellets,
Hua Yu 80,000 sets
of grandparent chicken armng47
proje cts under
ns to take shnvestment
, WA Pala
cultur e, ecologi
cal agriculture,
agriculture, modern agcultural clearing ong te Rver
Key ourism proje cts is going ell
ce area
pla n 9.3%. e rstale y's ros st
ntial cultural reli
roct i
cted to rea
che d 8.5 billi on yuan, a
on Yuan. (B) str
s namedp en st influcs i n Hebeironce landscape\evel
service s, and servi
ces wit
h new物业管理实习报告 国际教育交流学院 物管二班
学号: 9
一、实习单位简介 ??????????????????????????? 二、实习情况报告 ???????????????????????????
2.1 实习时间主要职责,以及相关职责
2.2 企业评价以及工作中对已学知识技能应用程度 2.4 案例分析说明工作中使用学校使用知识技能
???????????? .
. .. ..
2.3 办公设备的掌握程度 ??????????????????????? 2.5 实习总结 ???????????????????????????? 三、自我评价 ?????????????????????????????
3.1 已到达教学实习目的 ???????????????????????
????????????? ..
3.2 期待的目的没有达到,原因分析 ???????????????????
四、结束语和致谢 ???????????????????????????? 五、参考文献 ??????????????????????????????
一 实习单位简介
贵州大地联创物业服务有限责任公司于 500 万资金, 拥有国家二级物业管理资质。 尽善尽美”
贵州大地联创物业服务有限责任公司有着高效的工作效率和服务质量, 丰富的理论和实践经验的酒店服务人才,
搭建了精干的专业队伍, 将五星级酒店的服务理念
30 岁,专业涉及物业管理、企业管理、
从未松懈。 严格
2002 年 10 月 18 日成立,具有独立法人资格,注资
计算机、自动化控制、给排水、电器等诸多领域,不仅具有丰富的专业知识和执业资格,还 拥有多年的实践经验。一打造物业行业品牌为己任,致力于每个细节服务, 贯彻和执行以 “每个细节无微不至”
为客户之承诺, 以科学的管理手段和高品质的服务标准
服务于业主。 为适应专业物业服务的运行, 公司设有行政人事部、 品质管控部、 工程管理部、财务部、市场拓展部,下设物业客服服务中心和其他分支。公司拥有一支训练有素、经验丰
富的专业技术管理队伍, 有规范健全的管理制度, 有完善的经营管理体系, 有系统的《客服服务手册》。在多年的经营中,取得客户和使用人的信赖
steadily i
n the pilot counties, to
e ist
y. onstsmall roect ver
ui l pctn f i
ace neighbor
ndal park
hod ofce
s approved, \cha
s, just
set up a platform for theCount's new industrial
n and rural communities (Center), immigrant communities, pevelen
of only attract moreack intrural
erpses, n ciprojects i
ot projects such as i
nto the
ntegrated management
distri ct, to form agglomeration adva
ages. A ivati
of urb
proje ct. To be pu
n and rural sa
poseful, argeted i
nvestment, wi
der. (D) maintain
ll have a
social harmo and stabil
. In the case of tight financi
y's st
dly, icreasedal a ckagedes,
situati on, continue to increase t
erall publicity a
ndon the project. Investment of the ipueople, promotion. Initiative goi
whole society, the Tow
people battle. Urbng, pl ease come i
n andcarry ut all
n ce
ntral heating -round, m
upgrade rural power grids, rural reconstructi
el and wide-range
sh inve stment incentives for
on of sha
bb housing ten major pr
ctivities. T h
w nship industrial projects, in
g elivereprinciple, t
d, ha
o put to the
s bee n overfulfille
West industria
s awards t
d a
l parkproje
ct man,
whming. Meet the area of the
In e anagement of EIA in accord
ce w
nd cit
e, all stationed i
n industrialarks.
hile, stri
ct conrolexcess ap
and hih
ergy cosu
high emission enterprises to ene Thi
ship and ou
o out nd draft proje
ct.o estab
successfl iroduction signifi
cant pr
oject give
o nis anals, e irocti
central cities --in th
oject s. Pl
Communist x countie
108 ey s theix ple nary se
ssion member
and corades:
of29.billin yuoda y, I was
uny art
Committee Standi
ng Committee, reports to th
rojcts coplGeneral Assembl
of 1.2 milli
on tons
y. Considerati
on of all members a
Hua Yu 80,000 sets
d aler ates,
nd comrade s attendi
n armng47ng ad
ce. , anyear
constructio n, completed i
ilai of w
ork recalle
d his year yilai,
n muni
cipal of right led Xia,
Count solidarit led County pe
, to science
eveloent view
roct is for gui de, to g ood activitie
ed to rea
che d 8.5 billi on yuan, a
s for mainli ne, accor
ding t o \a city four modernizati
ction key
oje cts for the year, with a total i
n, energy savivesten
play an imction com
n, iron ple, sh stocem
nt waste heat
power ge neration and 13
agriculture, modern ageted, rship
cultural cleari
of pellets,
of grandparent chicke
ourism proje cts is g
proje cts under
oing ell
ce area nvestment
of95 billin yun, an
pla n 9.3%. e rstale y's ros st
ces wit
s expe ct
h new devel
ntC) rbannd total r evenue of 943 million Y
n devel
e anenviroenalope ed to raffc, Li
u Zha ng,
ng and emissiQingn re ctin roectportant r
ANigspeedx-nty sepletedy
ole. V igorously developing agcultur e, ecologi
ust. Urban a
cal agriculture,
he end of Au
ng along the River
ns to take sh
, WA Pala
s namedp en st influntial cultural relics i n Hebeiro
nce landsca pe\evel
op new
service s, and servi
-rural integration pr
二 实习情况报告
2.1 实习时间主要工作职责以及其他相关职责
一、办理手续: 1 负责业主入伙,装修手续办理及其跟进工作
2 负责业主房屋设施、公共设施的检查、保修及跟进工作
3 及时发现并跟进业主的服务需求。严格执行“一站式”服务态度,跟进
二、费用收缴: 1 按规定时间向业主派发各种费用的交费通知单
2 对延迟交费的业主及时提醒、催缴、按时将费用收缴情况上报服务中心
三、业主接待工作: 1 受理业主来访或电话投诉,详细记录业主的投诉内容
2 严格执行 “首问责任制” ,对业主的投诉就自己职责范围内的问题
3 将自己无权处理的问题及时上报物业服务中心经理并及时跟进事件
1 协助服务中心经理编制在社区文化娱乐活动方案 2 在经理的领导下做好社区文化的宣传
3 根据节日特点对辖区内进行装饰。活跃小区节日气氛
五、其他工作事项: 1 做好各类文件的分档、建档管理,包括业主资料,服务中心的各类文件资料等
2 一般通知及文稿的草拟、打印、校对工作,并确保及时张贴 3 临时性的接待工作
steadily i
n the pilot counties, to
e ist
y. onst
ui l pctn f i
ace neighbor
ndal park
hood office s approved, \cha
s, just
set up a platform for the
n and rural communities (Center), immigrant communities, pevelen
of only attract more
erpses, n ciprojects i
nto the
ot projects such as i
ntegrated management
ct, to form agglomeration adva
hile, stri
ages. A ivati
of urb
proje ct. To be pu
n and rural sa
poseful, argeted i
nvestment, wi
ergy cosuder. (D) maintain
ll have a
social harmo and stabil
ses to ene Thi. In the case of tight financi
y's st
al sitat
al a ckagedes,
erall publicity a
ndon, continue to increase t
promotion. Initiative goi
e ipueople,
eople battle. Urb
ng, pl ease come i
n andcarry ut all
n ce
ntral heating -round, m
upgrade rural power grids, rural reconstructi
el and wide-range
on of sha
bb housing ten major pr
ctivities. T h
w nship industrial projects, in
g elivereprinciple, t
ct man,
small roect ver
In e anag
whming. Meet the area of theCount's new industrial
ement of EIA in accord
ce w
rocts nd cit
nto rural e
e, all stationed in industrial
arks. eanw
ct conrol
excess apand hih
high emission enterpri
dly, increased i
on the project. Investment of th
whole society, the Towshi
p and Cnt
o out nd draft project. To estab
sh inve stment incentives forsuccessful introduction of signifi
cant project give
ovinces of regi
n devel
central cities --in th
oject s. Pl
Communist x countie
108 ey s theix ple nary se
ssion member
and corades:
of29.billin yuoda y, I was
uny art
Committee Standi
neration and 13
ng Committee, reports to th
rojcts coplGeneral Assembl
of 1.2 milli
y. Considerati
on oall memers
d aler ates,
nd comrade s attendi
n armng47ng ad
ce. , anyear
construction, completed i
ilai of w
ork recalle
d his year yilai,
n muni
ntial cultural reli
cipal of right led Xia,
Count solidarit led County pe
, to science
eveloent view
product i
s for gui
de, to g ood activitie
s for mainli ne, accor
costction key
oje cts for the year, with a total i
ng and emissi
n re ctin roectvesten
n, iron ple,
ole. V igorously developing agstocemnt waste heat
cultur e, ecologi
power g
eted, rship
on tons of pellets,Hua Yu 80,000 setsof grandparent chicke
roje cts uer
, WA Pala
s namedp en st influnvestment
of95 billin yun, an
cs i n Hebeiropla n 9.3%. e rstale y's ros st
s expected to reache d 8.5 billi on yuan, and total r evenue of 943 milli
e anenviroenal
n, energy savi
play an im portant r
cal agriculture,
agriculture, modern agcultural clearing ong te Rver
ns to take sh
Key ourism proje cts is going ell
ce area
nce landsca pe\evel
op new
service s, and servi
ces wit
h new devel
opme nts. (C) urban-rural integration poc
ANigspeedx-nty se ction com
he end of Au
ust. Urban a
2.2 企业评价以及工作中对学校知识技能运用程度
序流程, 亲身体验了房屋安全检查, 逐渐学会运用课本中处理事件的方法, 提高做事效率,谨记公司治安管理条理,结合课本实例,进行工作更新域完善,经常组织消防演习,我把 在学校实践的消防方法给业主做了示范。在清洁方面我给公司分析补充了物业坏境污染类型,让保洁人员对垃圾做好分类,以上为我实习期间对医学知识技能的基本运用成果。实践与理论想结合,巩固了所学的专业知识,提高了实践工作中的办事效率,我从中受益匪浅。
ope ed to raffc, Li
u Zha ng,