alleviation crucial further development to accelerate the process of well-off society has created a great opportunity. 18 since the Central and provincial poverty alleviation and development into the overall strategic planning, priority and \ct\, formulated a series of policies now focus, development measures have all been clear. We want to seize the opportunity, precision application strategy, focus punch, break \development of old revolutionary and a series of policy measures in areas such as infrastructure, public services, promoting high standards, support, and more opportunities for us to accelerate development, provide greater support. From provinces policy oriented see, \, and \nd \s, major action speed up implementation, ecological security barrier, and long East energy chemical base construction, major strategy intensive introduced, and provincial \nd \both%unicipal \big support\ployment, concentrated release has many policy good. In particular Gansu Silk Road economic belt of gold and heritage of Chinese civilization construction of advancing the innovation zone, jingchuan based advantage, create node cities and provide a broader space in core areas. From I County project resources see, national ecological civilization pilot engineering model County and cycle economic model County two a national project landing implementation, will in country province level won more support; Pingliang to jingchuan city inter fast channel, and xiping railway double track, major project into provinces plate, will further upgrade I County traffic hub and channel economic status; paper Brigade integrated body, and Zhu Jia Jian reservoir, and agricultural PV power, and gas utilization, and commodity trading and the agricultural wholesale market, and Million tonnes of controlled atmosphere fruit and freezing and drying food production line, a number of major projects implemented, handicap, Liu Lihe reservoir project work smoothly, these projects originated from the %ulate, to develop their potential in the \hirteen-Five\during release. Orient, is to deepen the understanding of accurate. After years of the revision, development of jingchuan stand on a new historical starting point, features of economic and social development has changed significantly. Comprehensive construction of well-off society in entering the showdown to win stage, dual action and poor precision, driven by County poverty dropped from 37.5% to 11.2%. Full implementation of the \nsure the timely realization of poverty, poor people to achieve well-off society, we must battle tasks. From the perspective of current income, poor village, the poor generally lack strong industrial support, most rely on service revenue, along with the deepening of structural reform, low skills, hard work will become increasingly difficult, labor income jump more and mor养鸡场项目简介
项目名称:散养鸡场建设项目 项目性质:新建 建设规模
按散养土鸡 2000只、散养野鸡200只设计。配套建设围栏棚(架)舍、饲料加工厂等及防疫、接种设备和办公、生活设施。
建设地点和条件 建设地点
建设内容与建设期限 建设内容
alleviation crucial further development to accelerate the process of well-off society has created a great opportunity. 18 since the Central and provincial poverty alleviation and development into the overall strategic planning, priority and \ct\, formulated a series of policies now focus, development measures have all been clear. We want to seize the opportunity, precision application strategy, focus punch, break \s the development of old revolutionary and a series of policy measures in areas such as infrastructure, public services, promoting high standards, support, and more opportunities for us to accelerate development, provide greater support. From provinces policy oriented see, \ng, and \nd \on speed up implementation, ecological security barrier, and long East energy chemical base construction, major strategy intensive introduced, and provincial \nd \both\pal \support\cision deployment, concentrated release has many policy good. In particular Gansu Silk Road economic belt of gold and heritage of Chinese civilization construction of advancing the innovation zone, jingchuan based advntage, create node cities and provide a broader space in core areas. From I County project resources see, national ecological civilization pilot engineering model County and cycle economic model County two a national project landing implementation, will in country province level won more support; Pingliang to jingchuan city inter fast channel, and xiping railway double track, major project into provinces plate, will further upgrade I County traffic hub and channel economic status; paper Brigade integrated body, and Zhu Jia Jian reservoir, and agricultural PV power, and gas utilization, and commodity trading and the agriculturawholesale market, and Million tonnes of controlled atmosphere fruit and freezing and drying food production line, a number of major projects implemented, handicap, Liu Lihe reservoir project work smoothly, these projects originated from the \nue to accumulate, to develop their potential in the \-Five\during release. Orient, is to deepen the understanding of accurate. After years of the revision, development of jingchuan stand on a new historical starting point, features of economic and social development has changed significantly. Comprehensive construction of well-off society in entering the showdown to win stage, dual action and poor precision, driven by County poverty dropped from 37.5% to 11.2%. Full implementation of the \ogramme, ensure the timely realization of poverty, poor people to achieve well-off society, we must battle tasks. From the perspective of current income, poor village, the poor generally lack strong industrial support, most rely on service revenue, along with the deepening of structural reform, low skills, hard work will become increasingly difficult, labor
income jump more and mor2 亩,按存栏200只建设。同时按照设计建设各养殖分区围栏棚(架)舍、饲料加工厂、生活、办公、服务设施。
项目建设期:6个月。 投资规模与资金来源 投资规模
alleviation crucial further development to accelerate the process of well-off society has created a great opportunity. 18 since the Central and provincial poverty alleviation and development into the overall strategic planning, priority and \ct\policies now focus, development measures have all been clear. We want to seize the opportunity, precision application strategy, focus punch, break \development of old revolutionary and a series of policy measures in areas such as infrastructure, public services, promoting high standards, support, and more opportunities for us to accelerate development, provide greater support. From provinces policy oriented see, \, and \nd \s, major action speed up implementation, ecological security barrier, and long East energy chemical base construction, major strategy intensive introduced, and provincial \nd \both%unicipal \big support\ployment, concentrated release has many policy good. In particular Gansu Silk Road economic belt of gold and heritage of Chinese civilization construction of advancing the innovation zone, jingchuan based advantage, create node cities and provide a broader space in core areas. From I County project resources see, national ecological civilization pilot engineering model County and cycle economic model County two a national project landing implementation, will in country province level won more support; Pingliang to jingchuan city inter fast channel, and xiping railway double track, major project into provinces plate, will further upgrade I County traffic hub and channel economic status; paper Brigade integrated body, and Zhu Jia Jian reservoir, and agricultural PV power, and gas utilizaton, and commodity trading and the agricultural wholesale market, and Million tonnes of controlled atmosphere fruit and freezing and drying food production line, a number of major projects implemented, handicap, Liu Lihe reservoir project work smoothly, these projects originated from the %ulate, to develop their potential in the \hirteen-Five\during release. Orient, is to deepen the understanding of accurate. After years of the revision, development of jingchuan stand on a new historical starting point, features of economic and social development has changed significantly. Comprehensive construction of well-off society in entering the showdown to win stage, dual action and poor precision, driven by County poverty dropped from 37.5% to 11.2%. Full implementation of the \nsure the timely realization of poverty, poor people to achieve well-off society, we must battle tasks. From the perspective of current income, poor village, the poor generally lack strong industrial support, most rely on service revenue, along with the deepening of structural reform, low skills, hard work will become increasingly difficult, labor income jump more and mor范场的建立与推广。论证结论:该项目从建设规划、投资规模到经营管理均切实可行,立项目标准确,经济效益、社会效益和生态效益处理和谐,对调整农村和农业产业结构,推广畜禽标准化、良种化、规模化散养生产,增加农民收入具有重大的现实意义,建议有关部门抓紧批准立项,并给予大力支持。
目前,尽管作为畜牧业主体的养鸡业近年来发展迅速,但是要实现突破性跨越式发展, 还存在养殖生产中现代良种所占比重低、产业化水平不高等多方面的问题亟待解决。提出的散养鸡建设项目,旨在立足本地区的产业优势和资源优势,推动养鸡业持续、健康发展,项目的实施可显著提高本地区优质型良种鸡供种能力,提高养殖业良种化程度和生产性能,提高产品的市场竞争力,进一步发展壮大畜牧业中的优势主导产