龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
摘要:目的 观察医用几丁糖液体敷料治疗伤口愈合不良的临床疗效。方法 选自我院2011年5月~2014年5月伤口愈合不良的44例患者,随机分为两组,治疗组采用几丁糖液体敷料外用治疗,对照组采用传统换药治疗,两组治疗初均给予3%的过氧化氢溶液冲洗,彻底清理伤口,然后生理盐水冲洗。直至伤口完全愈合为止。结果 治疗组伤口平均愈合时间明显缩短,经t检验,P
Clinical Observation on 44 Cases of Poor Healing of Chitosan Liquid Dressing for Wound WANG Shi-ping
(Pianguan County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Pianguan 036400,Shanxi,China)
Abstract:Objective To observe the curative effect of patients with poor wound healing by medical chitosan liquid dressing cure.Methods During the year of 2011.5~2014.5 44 patients with poor wound healing were randomly divided into two groups in our hospital.The treatment group was cured by medical chitosan liquid dressing cure.The control group was treated with traditional
dressing.The two groups of the first treatment were given rinse clean up the wound with 3%hydrogen peroxide solution.Thoroughly clean the necrotic tissue,Then wash the wound with physiological saline,Until the wound healing.Results The average wound healing time is obviously shortened in the treatment group.There was statistical significant difference between them(P Key words:Medical chitosan liquid dressing;Poor wound healing
伤口愈合不良是外伤或术后的常见并发症,其处理繁琐,需要时间较长。我科于2011年5月~2014年5月使用医用几丁糖液体敷料治疗伤口愈合不良取得满意疗效,现报道如下。 1 资料与方法
1.1一般资料 选取我院外科门诊就诊的44例伤口愈合不良患者,其中男30例,女14例,年龄8~75岁,平均年龄(35±5.2)岁。四肢20例,躯干9例,头面部15例。病程7~21d。