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1. Look at the pictures and write the missing letters.

__ras__ __ pencil-c__se r__ler b__g b__ __k b__t v__n h__ __se c__ __ d__ck penc__l r__bb__t fr__g t__ __tle liz__ __d p__n ch__ck__n 2. Simple choice.

_____(1) --Hello, your name, please?


A. I am Sam B. Hello C. Nice to see you

_____(2) This ___ my new book.

A. is B. are C. am

_____(3) --Good morning, Sam!


A. Good afternoon B. Good morning C. Good evening

_____(4) --Hi, this is my friend, Bill.


A. I am here B. That’s great C. Nice to see you

_____(5) --Hello, this is our new friend. His name is Alex.


A. He’s nice B. That’s fine C. Nice to see you

_____(6) My friends _____ your friends.

A. is B. are C. am

_____(7) _____ friends are her friends.

A. He’s B. His C. He

_____(8) Our friends are _____ friends.

A. their B. there C. they’re

_____(9) --What’s this Mr. Li?

--_____ a goat.

A. It’s B. Is C. It

_____(10) --Who wants to try?

-- __________.

A. Let me try B. Let’s go C. It’s a cat

3. Listen, number and match.

Cow duck cat chicken dog lizard fish goat sheep

□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □

剑桥一级上 第3, 4单元测试

1. Look at the pictures and write the missing letters.

b__n__n__ p__ __r or__nge pine______ waterm__l__n gr__pes m__ng__ p__ __ch l__m__n cl__ __k t__ __tle er__ser b__g liz__ __ d c__ __ h__ t d__g b__ __ d 4. Simple choice._____(11) –What would you_____, sir? _____(14) –How many ______ would you like?

--I want some bananas. -- I’d like one, please. A. like B. want C. buy A. apple B. apples C. pineapple

_____(12) --What would you like, Miss? _____(15) I like to eat _________ and __________. --I want some ________. A. apple, banana B. apples, bananas

A. coconut B. coconuts C. grapefruit _____(16) --Would you like ____ orange?

_____(13) ______ apple a day keeps the doctor --Yes, please. away. A. an B. a C. /

A. An B. A C. The _____(17) –What’s your favourite fruit?

--I like _______.

A. banana B. bananas

_____(18) I don’t like bananas, but I like ________.

A. peach B. peachs C. peaches

_____(19) --What’s in my hat?

--Two _____ and three ______. A. car, pen B. cars, pens

_____(20) –What’s in my hand?

-- It’s ___ eraser.

A. an B. a C. /

5. Listen and tick. Which one sounds different?

□ □ □ □

□ □ □ □

□ □ □ □

6. Listen and write.

□ □

This is a big __________find a toy ___________ __________

. You can __________ many toys in it. You can

in this big box. You can find four toy

. How lovely it is!

in it too. Look, this is a ________

剑桥一级上 5-6单元练习

1. Look and write.

__ __m l__ gs n __ se h __ __ d __ __r __ y__ h__ __r f__ __t

g_ _ aff_ b__ __ _l_ph_nt f__ __g K_ng_r_ _ l__ __n m__ __se t__g__ __ 2. Simple choice.

1) ---Who ___ to try? ---Let me try.

A. wants B. want C. wanted

2) I’ve ___ a big nose.

A. get B. got C. have

3) He’s got three _____.

A. hand B. eye C. eyes

4) This is ____ eye .

A. an B. a C. the

5) We can see ____ our eyes.

A. in B. with C. and

6) We ____ the ball when we play football.

A. catch B. touch C. kick

7) We hop and jump when we play____.

A. hopscotch B. hide and seek C. basketball

8) ---What is it? ---It’s _____.

A. book B. a book C. books

9) ---Where is Sam?

---He must ____ in the lemon house. A. is B. bee C. be

10) ---What do you do with the beanbag? ---We ________.

A. throw and catch B. smell and taste C. hide and seek D. hop and jump

11) ---What do you do with the shuttlecock?

--- I ____it.

A. draw B. kick C. bounce

12) ---What do you do with the basketball?

---- I ____it.

A. draw B. kick C. bounce

13) It’s time to sleep. Let’s turn ___ the light. A. off B. of C. for

14) We say ____ when we go to bed.

A. good morning B. goodnight C. good evening 15) Pick an apple and ___ it under the chair. A. eat B. put C. tick 3. Put these sentences in order.

_____ _____ _____ ____ ____ ____ A. Thank you. B. Here you are. C. How many?

D. I’d like one please. E. I want some apples.

F. What would you like, sir? 4. Read and fill in the blanks. We each have two____

, two ____

and one ____

. But some monsters have many eyes or ears.

They have three____

5. Read and fill in the blanks.

or four ____.

Many ________ come to play in a fruit park because the houses are fruit-shaped. Soon Zhangnan is in the

_______ house. Linda is in the _______ house. Wanghua is in the _______ house. Lily is

in the ________ house. Li Ming is in the ______ house and Sam is in the __________

house. Oh, where is Peter? Ah, he must be in the _______ house. Let’s go and find him!

剑桥一级上 7-8单元练习 1. Look and write.

_______ _______ __________ _______ _______ _______ ___________ _______ _______ _______ _______

_______ ___________ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ 16) Let’s _____ a fruit and vegetable party. A. have B. has C. had 17) First, let’s _______ Miss Pear. A. hello B. hi C. welcome 18) _____ is Miss Pear? Go away. A. What B. When C. Which 19) The arms can ____ up and down. A. go B. went C. goes 20) Which one ____ you like? A. do B. did C. done 21) I like ______.

A. orange B. oranges C. apple 22) This __ a new street. A. are B. is C. at

23) Please give me all the ping-pong _____. A. ball B. balls C. bat 24) A lot of people ____ here. A. living B. lives C. live 25) ----Please wait!


A. Hurry up B. No C. Thank you 26) I’ve _____ two ping-pong ball. A. have B. got C. get 27) My arms can ______ up and down. A. going B. goes C. go 28) Let’s go ___ have a look. A. and B. or C. with 29) Two little red ______ on the tree. A. apples are B. apple is C. apple are 30) I look at them and they look at ______. A. I B. me C. my

31) The windows ___ blue and the door ___ red. A. is, is B. is, are C. are, is 32) Red is the colour for an apple ____.



