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第三步:建立分析框架(Set up the framework)
The interviewee:
First, I would like to understand the cost structure
of the jet in order to prioritize our efforts. Next, I Step III:Set up the framework.
would like to look at major factors driving the
costs we are targeting. Finally, I would like to
explore potential ideas to reduce cost.
The interviewer:
That sounds like a very logical approach. Let's
图3.5 第三步:建立分析框架
第四步:用框架进行案例分析(Evaluate the case using the framework) 在你向面试官说明了分析方法之后(即你已经选好了分析框架),就进入了互动讨论的环节。你可以把面试官当成是企业客户,然后顺着你自己的框架思路向他询问更多的细节和信息,逐步地把主要因素挖掘出来。
在例题中,面试官向应聘者提供了一份飞机成本结构的文件,然后他主动向面试官说明他的分析原则,即先从可能性最大的因素开始讨论,也就是占比例最大的原料成本。他的这个做法也得到了面试官的肯定。如图3.6所示: 应聘者:
Because the interview is limited in time, I think we should try to identify those areas most responsible for the cost of the jet. 面试官:
Time is also limited on real projects as well, so I think that would be a good idea! You have the following cost data on the jet. How would you interpret it?
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The major cost driver for the jet appears to be purchased materials. Within manufacturing, direct labor is a fairly large component of cost, as is program management and corporate overhead within overhead. However, I think we would want to concentrate most of our efforts on materials, since that is where most of the costs can be found. 面试官:
That sounds like a good place to start. Where would you look within materials? ……
图3.6 用框架进行案例分析
在这个案例中,应聘者与面试官的接下来的对话为: 应聘者:
I see that materials are broken down into purchased subassemblies, components, and raw materials. I understand what raw materials would be, but what would be the difference between components and subassemblies? 面试官:
A subassembly has its own complete functionality. An example would be the pilot night vision system. A component would be a smaller part, such as a part of the engine. 应聘者:
I know that governmental agencies often have very strict guidelines about purchasing that could affect the cost of materials. 面试官
For the sake of this case, you can assume that the British Ministry of Defense, MOD, allows \
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whomever it wants, as long as it can ensure that the parts meet MOD quality guidelines. ……
应聘者还询问了是否要考虑政府的监管限制,面试官帮他忽略了这个因素。这样做的好处是,应聘者可以确认,从成本比例最高的“原料”下手是可行的,从而可以进一步讨论。这里有个小技巧,叫Don’t make any assumption。也就是说,面试官不帮你忽略掉的因素,你自己不可以假设这个影响不存在。具体请参看下一节的案例面试技巧。 举这个实例是想让大家明白,案例面试是一个互动的过程,不同于其他面试,只能是面试官提问、应聘者者回答。面对案例面试,作为应聘者,你更应该将其当成是一次讨论的过程,充分利用你和面试官之间的互动获取更多的信息,聪明地让面试官帮你排除掉不必要的因素。
在这个案例中,应聘者与面试官的紧接着的对话如下: ……
I see that purchased subassemblies comprise more than 70 percent of materials. How many suppliers are there for these subassemblies? 面试官:
There are seven suppliers of major subassemblies that go into the fighter jet. 应聘者:
That seems like a relatively small number of suppliers. Are there more suppliers that are qualified to do this type of work? 面试官:
The manufacture of these parts requires a substantial investment in R&D, engineering, and infrastructure. It would be very costly for new suppliers to make the required investment, particularly if the client is trying to reduce the price it pays to the subassembly manufacturers. 应聘者:
Since there are few suppliers, and the investment hurdle would preclude bringing in competing manufacturers, it would be difficult to reduce the price paid to them. Perhaps we should look elsewhere for savings. 面试官:
But remember, if you lose the contract, they will lose their customer unless they are teamed with the competing bidder. Even then, if the competitor is underbidding you, that will leave even less room for them to profit. 应聘者:
Perhaps they would have an incentive to reduce their costs in order to maintain the contract. Is the majority of their costs in materials as well? ……
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到这一步为止,应聘者已经成功地定义了关键点(Define the key point),即要降低飞机成本,可以从原料供应商的角度来解决。其实,在案例面试中,定义关键点并不是最难的部分,如果你有条理的顺着自己的框架逐一分析,总会发现关键因素。案例面试中,更重要的部分是解决问题的思路。这才是面试官更有兴趣看到的。
在确定了关键点之后,面试官会顺着你的思路,询问你如何操作。这一部分也是非常考验应聘者聪明才智的地方。 在案例面试中,总有几个实际操作方面的问题。这是在考察你解决问题的能力。再举个例子,当你提出要做市场调查来发现原因时,面试官很可能会问你,你会如何与受访者交谈,会问什么关键性的问题等等。
在这个案例中,应聘者与面试官接下来的对话如下: ……
How could you find that out? 应聘者:
I would want to interview the purchasing and engineering personnel of the different subcontractors in order to understand their cost structures. If we had a better understanding of their economics, then we might be able to reduce cost across the board, allowing us to more effectively compete for the contract without killing everyone's margins. 面试官:
Let's say that purchased materials averages approximately 70 percent of the price paid to most of the manufacturers. 应聘者:
If the cost of subassemblies represents 40 percent of the jet cost and 70 percent of that is purchased materials, total purchased materials would be approximately 28 percent for subassemblies. Our purchases of raw materials and components represent another 15 percent, for a total of around 43 percent of the cost of the jet. If we could reduce the cost of raw materials by 20 percent, then we could achieve more than eight percent cost reduction on the jet, more than enough to offset the five percent reduction we would need to win the contract. ……
在这里不得不提一点小技巧,叫“think aloud”,即把你的思考过程大声地展示给面试官。在案例面试当中,为了能尽量展现自己分析、思考的过程及计算能力等等,要“大声地思考”,把你思考的过程展现给面试官。就像本例的应聘者,也许他在心中早已算好了答案,但是,还是要努力的把他计算分析的过程呈现给面试官。 ……
That sounds reasonable, but 20 percent is a very lofty goal. How would you go about doing that? 应聘者:
First, I would look at the number of suppliers. Are there a large number of suppliers to the
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subassembly manufacturers? 面试官:
You estimate that there are approximately 125 suppliers of raw materials and components among the manufacturers of the subassemblies and yourself. 应聘者:
Are these suppliers providing customized products or more commodity materials? 面试官:
About 80 percent of these products are commodities, such as sheet metal and wire harnesses. Even some of the electronics, such as printed wire boards and circuitry, are fairly generic. 应聘者:
Are there many commonalities among the parts used by the different subassembly manufacturers? We could talk to their engineers and look at the designs and bills of material to determine how much overlap there is. 面试官:
Approximately 30 percent of the cost of raw materials is from similar materials used across the subassembly manufacturers. 应聘者:
Do the engineers believe that the percentage of overlap could be increased if the designs were modified? 面试官:
They believe that they could increase that percentage substantially, particularly with basic materials such as screws and sheet metal, but also in other more customized areas. 应聘者:
Since there is a lot of overlap in the basic components, we would want to know if the subcontractors are using the same suppliers. We could analyze the number of suppliers for each of the areas of overlap. 面试官:
Although there are some common suppliers, the analysis indicates that the subassembly manufacturers tend to use different suppliers. ……
第五步:总结并提出建议(Summarize & Make Recommendations)
在这个案例中,应聘者与面试官在总结阶段的对话如下: 应聘者:
At this time, I would like to summarize what I know. Our client needs to reduce costs by five percent. The largest area of opportunity appears to be in purchased materials, the
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