【期刊名称】《中国医药科学》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)001
【摘要】In this study, to combined with the actual production, through the replacement of some raw materials, the integration of the vertical and horizontal, the cross design of comparison test, and the continuous optimization of the reaction conditions, to summed up the new process route suitable for industrial production and development. The process route used in the production will simplify the operation process, shorten the reaction time, reduce the potential safety hazard, and will achieve the purpose of product quality and yield improvement.%本研究结合生产实际,通过更换部分原材料,纵向和横向结合,交叉设计对比试验,不断优化组合反应条件,总结出适合工业化生产和发展的新型工艺路线。应用于生产,该工艺将会大大简化操作流程,缩短反应时间,减少安全隐患,达到提高产品质量和收率的目的。 【总页数】4页(92-94,120)
【关键词】碘化剂;一氯化碘;异酞酸;合成方法 【作者】王景立;韩涛
【作者单位】山东方明药业集团股份有限公司,山东菏泽274500;山东方明药业集团股份有限公司,山东菏泽274500 【正文语种】中文