【期刊名称】《浙江水利水电专科学校学报》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)001
【摘要】Taking Shangtang basin and Hemu Port for examples , four aspects of water distribution are analyzed , including urban and rural sewage disposal , agricultural non-point source pollution , channel improvement and water quality from tributa-ry.Water distribution is an efficient measures with low cost , and is adopted as a treatment to improve the water environment of Hemu Port .According to the different water source , Hemu Port basin is divided into two areas , and the specific route of water distribution is schemed , as well as the engineering construction , offering reference for the projects in the future .%以上塘河流域和睦港为例,从城乡污水治理、农业面源污染、河道整治保洁及配水、支流对和睦港水质的影响四个方面进行了分析。基于配水措施见效快、成本低的特点,选用河道引配水治理和睦港流域水环境,根据配水水源的不同,将和睦港流域划分成两个区域,并对具体的配水路线及工程建设进行了初步规划,可供今后具体实施工程时参考。 【总页数】6页(58-62,66)
【关键词】城市河道;配水方案;和睦港 【作者】谢琪;陆一奇;汪健
【作者单位】杭州市河道管理总站,浙江杭州 310014;杭州市河道管理总站,