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中考英语总复习-完形阅读词汇运用组合训练五 一、完型填空

My father and I always had a bit of trouble in our relationship. It’s not that we didn’t love each other. It’s just that we used to have 16 opinions. My dad is one of the most hard-working men I know, but I was a 17 . I played sports as a kid, but 18 when I was making progress. Then I showed an 19 in music. My father got excited and 20 me a guitar when I was about eight. But I didn’t like it until I was a teenager. During those teen years, I took up my guitar and 21 playing along.

Then I went to college. My father thought I should focus more on my 22 while I should have more fun playing music. I dreamed to be a musician. When I grew into a young man, I suddenly fell 23 ill one day and it was discovered that I had a terrible kidney(肾) disease. I had to accept treatments all my life, or get a transplant(移植).

I felt like there was a heavy 24 on my shoulders Life became hard

for me. But I was lucky enough because of my loving parents who 25 me and took care of me. While trying to

26 just what to do with my life, my father got tested to see 27 he was the right man to give me his kidney. I tried to refuse, but he’d hear 28 of it. He saved my life at last.

Two years ago, I 29 a band. He had always wanted to play in a band, but 30 got the chance when he was young. It was one of the greatest

.gifts I could give to him.

16. A. special 17. A. musician 18. A. gave up 19. A. introduction 20. A. expected 21. A. began

22. A. hobbies 23. A. similarly 24. A. weight 25. A. provided 26. A. decide 27. A. how

28. A. each 29. A. made in

30. A. almost

B. different C. private D. necessary B. coach C. actor

D. dreamer

B. gave out C. gave off D. gave away B. influence C. increase

D. interest

B. threw C. bought D. praised B. regretted C. finished D. meant

B. studies

C. skills D. choices

B. hardly C. seriously D. harmfully B. disadvantage C. disagreementD. disbelief B. encouraged C. afforded D. managed

B. behave C. build D. doubt B. whether

C. why D. what

B. all C. much D. none

B. made of

C. made from D. made up

B. completely C. never D. always


Passage 1

Like many high school graduates, Maggie Doyne didn’t go straight to college. She decided to travel and arrived in western Nepal in 2006. A war had just ended there and left many children living on the streets. They were

often forced to work at hard physical jobs for little money.

One day, while walking down a country road, Doyne saw a little girl breaking up rocks. She soon learned that 7-year-old Hima sold the rocks to support her family. With deep sadness, she decided to pay Hima’s tuition(学费) for school. Encouraged by the changes in the child, Doyne thought, \ we can help one child, why not?\

Doyne felt that the street children’s greatest need was a home. She found a piece of land for sale and bought it with $5,000 she saved from years of babysitting(当临时保姆) . In 2008 the Kopila Valley Chilren’s Home was set up. With the help from the community, another goal was reached in 2010—the Kopila Valley School. Over 350 children now attend the school and over 50 live in the home.

Today, Doyne lives in the home and is \

14. When did Maggie Doyne travel to western Nepal? A. In 2006. B. In 2007. C. In 2008. D. In 2010.

15. Why did Hima break up the rocks? A. To do physical exercise. B. To build a new school. C. To get money for her family.

D. To repair the country road. 16. What can we learn from Paragraph 3? A. The street children once worked as babysitters. B. Doyne got some support from the community. C. Doyne borrowed much money from the government. D. Over 5,000 children attend the Kopila Valley School. 17. Which of the following might be the best title for the text? A. Maggie Doyne—A Lonely TravellerB. War in Western Nepal C. Maggie Doyne—Mum to More Than 50 D. A Girl Lived on Her Own

Passage 2

Rupert Isaacson was born in Africa, and grew up in London and in the English countryside, where he discovered his love of horses. Because he grew up hearing so many fascinating memories about Africa from his parents, he went there and lived with the people called The Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert.

By the year 2000, Rupert was already working as a reporter, writing articles and guidebooks about Africa and India. He met his wife Kristin in India. Today, they live with their son, Rowan, in the US. But Rupert faced the greatest challenge of his life when, at the age of two, Rowan was diagnosed(诊断) with an illness that influenced his ability to communicate with others.

Rupert discovered that spending time with horses and riding them was helping Rowan. But unluckily, the Bushmen of the Kalahari do not have horses. So the family set out for Mongolia, where horses have been important for long. Rupert has written about this journey to help his son in his book Horse Boy, and he has produced a documentary of the same name. In the film, people have the chances to see the family travelling in Mongolia, riding horses and meeting healers(治疗师) in order to help Rowan.

Because working with horses has helped Rowan, Rupert set up The Horse Boy Foundation on his farm in Texas. It is a school that teaches people how to use horses for healing. Besides writing another book, The Long Ride Home, about travelling with Rowan to Africa, Australia and Arizona in the US, Rupert has also produced the documentary Endangerous, with Rowan as host, about dangerous animals that are endangered. Rupert Isaacson has managed to discover the secret of turning one challenge into many achievements.

18. Where did Rupert Isaacson discover his love of horses? A. In the English countryside. B. In India. C. In Africa. D. In Mongolia.

19. When was Rowan diagnosed with the illness mentioned in the passage? A. In the year 2000. B. At the age of two.

C. When he was in Mongolia. D. When he was in London.

20. Why did Rupert’s family go to Mongolia? Because __________ there. A. he worked as a reporter B. there were no horses C. there were lots of horses D. he wanted to meet his wife

21. What is the purpose of The Horse Boy Foundation?

A. To produce a documentary. B. To communicate with others. C. To learn how to ride horses. D. To teach people how to use horses for


22. How many documentaries has Rupert produced in the passage? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.

Passage 3

When he was a teenager, Hunter Adams was very unhappy, and he spent many years in the 1960s and 1970s in a special hospital for people with mental(精神的) health problems.

When he left hospital, Adams decided to become a doctor, so he went to Medical School in Virginia, USA. But when he was there he did things in a different way. For example, he didn’t like the doctor’s white coats. He

preferred to wear shirts with flowers on them when he visited his patients, and he tried to make them laugh. The doctors at the medical school didn’t like Adams very much because he was too different.

But Adams believed that people in hospital need more than medicine. He saw unhappy and lonely people, and he tried to help them as patients, but as people too. He spent a lot of time with children in the hospital, and often put a special red nose on his face to look like a clown and to make the children laugh. When he finished medical school and became a doctor, Adams opened his own hospital, called "the Gesundheit Institute", together with some other doctors. They wanted it to be a place in a different way of working with sick people. Hunter Adams became famous during the 1980s, and in 1998, Universal Pictures made a film about his life. It was very successful. In the film(called Patch Adams), Robin Williams played Adams. Williams said, "Hunter is a really warm person, who believes that patients need a doctor who’s friend. I enjoyed playing him."

23. What probably made Hunter decide to be a doctor?

A. His interest in medicine. B. His idea to open a hospital.

C. His early experience as a teenager. D. His love for the lonely children around.

24. How was Hunter different from other doctors? A. He was famous before working in hospital.

B. He liked to wear shirts with flowers in them every day. C. He treated his patients as friends in every way possible. D. He was good at dealing with people who were mentally ill.

25. What does the underlined word "clown" in paragraph 3 probable mean? A. 木偶 B. 小丑 C. 外星人 D. 蜘蛛侠

26. What can we know from Robin Williams words? A. He thought highly of Hunter. B. Every doctor needs a patient friend. C. He became a warm person ever after. D. A good actor makes a successful film.

三、短文填空 Dear Mary,

I’m now sitting in the garden of a house near a small village.I’m(1)____________afternoon tea with my family here.

I arrived here three days(2)______________with my dad, my mom and some friends. We will be on vacation together here(3)_______________two weeks.It is a quiet and nice place.The mountains are very near(4)___________house.It is cool here,and the air is(5)______________.The trees around the house are green,and the flowers are nice.(6)__________are many things we can do here.Yesterday, we walked around the village to say hello(7)_______the villagers(村民),and took lots of(8)

_____________with them.These pictures will help us remember everything here.Tomorrow we are going(9)_____________in the mountains.From the top of the mountains, the village may look more beautiful.It’s a pity you didn’t come with(10)__________

love, Jenny


1.____________ 2. ____________3. ____________4. ____________5. ____________ 6. ____________ 7. ____________8. ____________ 9. ____________ 10. ____________


1.The little girl is very kind and she always talks to people____________(polite).

2. My teacher did what he could ___________(make)his class lively. 3. It’s cool and____________(sun) in autumn in our hometown.

4. Please finish your food. There are many hungry ____________(baby) in the world.

5. The boy is too young to know the ____________(dangerous) of smoking. 6. Nancy wants to become a ____________ (translate) when she grows up. 7. The Internet makes our life nicer, ____________(easy) and more colorful than before.

8. Last Sunday I saw an ____________(pleasant) thing in the park — litter lay everywhere.

9. Tony was _____________(表扬) because of his excellent performance. 10. The whole class ____________(分成) into four groups.


1.____________ 2. ____________3. ____________4. ____________5. ____________ 6. ____________ 7. ____________8. ____________ 9. ____________ 10. ____________




