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译林牛津版高中英语选修6Module6 Unit1 reading教案

天下 分享 时间: 加入收藏 我要投稿 点赞

react with sth 与……起化学反应 react against sb/sth 反对; 反抗 4. queue vi. 排队,列队 n. 行列, 长队, 队列 queue up 排队,列队

By 7 o'clock a long queue had formed outside the cinema. 到7点钟时, 电影院门外已经排成了长队。 They're queuing up to see a film. 他们排着队等候看电影。

5. later on 后来;以后;过些时候

At first things went well, but later on we ran into trouble. 起初事情进展得很顺利,但后来我们遇到了困难。 6. live adv.﹠adj. 现场直播的, 生动的 a live football match 现场直播的足球赛

The landing on the moon was telecast live. 现场转播了登月行动。 7. make up

1)Girls make up 45%of the student population in our school. 2) make up a story / an excuse

3) Because of his illness,he had to make up for the missed lessons. 4) We haven’t been getting on well.Let’s make up. 5) Tom watched his sister make herself up for her date. 8. amuse vt . 使愉快,使高兴

Everyone was amused at / by the story about the dog. 大家听了关于那只狗的故事都笑起来了。

They amused themselves by looking at old photographs.


amusement n. [C] 娱乐品; 娱乐活动; 消遣 [U] 娱乐; 快乐

The program offers a variety of amusements. To my great amusement his false beard fell off. amusing adj.好笑的; 有趣的; 引人发笑的 amused adj. 愉快的, 开心的, 好玩的 Step 8 Summary and Home work

1. Summarize what have been talked about in reading. 2. (1)Review all the new words in reading. (2)Finish Ex. A1 & A2 on Page100.

译林牛津版高中英语选修6Module6 Unit1 reading教案


