2011 级 经济学 专业 1103072 班级
题 目 小米公司商业模式的探究与思考 姓 名 杨超 学号 111206228 指导教师 万举 职称 教授
2013 年 8 月 21 日
内 容 提 要
关 键 词
The Research and Analysis of the Business
Model of Xiao MI
Author: Yang Chao Tutor: Wan Ju
Xiao MI, before 2010, it’s just a name of a kind of cereal in Chinese. After 2011, it is more famous as a technology company – Xiao MI Co. Xiao MI Phone, Xiao MI Box, Red-Rice Phone, Xiao MI Television, sales of these products always attracts thousands of people on the internet. In the year of 2011, Xiao MI 1 went on line for the first time. Within 5 minutes, 30 million handsets sold out. After that, a new type named Red-Rice created a miracle in the history of mobile marketing: 10 million handsets of Red Rice sold out within only 90 seconds in 2013. Xiao MI, with a unique business model, quickly pushes itself to the forefront of technology enterprises. In 2013, the capitalization of Xiao MI is over one billion dollars.
Under the business model of Xiao MI, we see several fashion words like panic buying, network direct sales, micro-blogging marketing, hunger marketing and so on. We have seen how big a positive effect that a celebrity can do for a brand. A company, which was just established for three years, beats most of the traditional competitors only by a few products. That should not be underestimated. Analysis of the business model of Xiao MI: what leads Xiao MI to success? I summarized the following points: an exact price meeting the public, a non-traditional sales model, wide publicity and unique sales marketing. What is the weakness of Xiao MI? In my opinions, they are: low production capacity, quality witch should be improved, single sales channel, after-sale service covering a small area, and low-level brand image and so on. Recommendations for the further development of Xiao MI: improving the innovation ability, enhance the craftsmanship to the perfection and promoting brand image.