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刚踏出校门的社会新鲜人,由于尚无实际工作经验,面试者也无从询问“工作”本身的专业性问题,但是他可以藉由你所读学校、所选修的课程、在课业上的表现、以及所参加的社团活动等方面,来判断你是否具备做好这份工作的潜力与能力。回答这类问题,正是你进行“自我推销”的大好时机,一定要好好把握。 Basic vocabulary (基本词汇) major 主修课;主修的;主修 degree 学位 bachelor 文理学士 contribute 贡献 minor in 辅修 academic 学术的 impressive 给人深刻印象的 honor 荣誉 award 奖励 scholarship 奖学金 在回答提问时要注意投其所好,比如对方问你“What course do you like best?”,这时你最好回答和所应聘公司相关的科目,这会让他留下你很有潜力的印象。 注意几个关键的词语:degree(学位)、subject(科目)、department(系)、Bachelor抯 degree(学士学位)、major(主修)、minor(辅修)。 1) Which school are you attending? in from 你在哪个学校读书? 你是哪个学校的? 你来自哪个学校? 2) I will receive a Bachelor抯 degree. a Master抯 degree a Doctoral degree 我将获得 学士学位。 硕士学位 博士学位 3) I majored in economics. industrial design history sociology 我主修 经济学。 工业设计 历史学 社会学 4) How about your academic records at college?

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grades scores school report card 你在大学时成绩如何? 5) Which subject do you like best ? better least 你 最喜欢 哪门课程? 比较喜欢 最不喜欢 Basic

experssions (基本句型表达) 1) What degree will you receive? 你将拿到什么学位? 2) I will receive a Bachelor’s degree. 我将获得学士学位。 3) How about your academic records at college? 你大学的成绩如何? 4) I have been doing quite well at college. 我在大学时学习很好。 5) My

specialization at the university is just in line with the areas your institute deals with. 我在大学所学的专业和你们研究所所涉及的范围刚好对口。 6) I was one of the top students in the class. 我是班里最优秀的学生之一。 7) Which course did you like best? 你最喜欢哪门课程? Conversations (会话) (A=Applicant I=Interviewer) Dialogue 1 I: Which school are you attending? A: I am attending Hebei University of Technology. I: When will you graduate from that university? A: This coming July. I: What degree will you receive? A: I will receive a Bachelor抯 degree. I: What is your major? A: My major is Business Administration. I: How have you been getting on with your studies so far? A: I have been doing quite well at college. According to the academic records I抳e achieved so far, I am confident that I

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will get my Bachelor of Business Administration this coming July. I: How do you think the education you抳e received will contribute to your work in this institution? A: I have already learned a lot in the classroom and I hope to be able to make practical use of it in your company. My specialization at the university is just in line with the areas your institute deals with. I am sure I can apply what I have learned to the work in your institute. I: 你在哪个学校上学? A: 我在河北工业大学上学。 I: 你什么时候毕业? A: 今年七月。 I: 你能拿到什么学位? A: 学士学位。 I: 你是什么专业的? A: 我的专业是商业管理。 I: 到目前为止,你在校的学习情况如何? A: 我学得不错。根据至今我所取得的学习成绩,我敢肯定今年7月份我一定能获得商业管理学士学位。

刚踏出校门的社会新鲜人,由于尚无实际工作经验,面试者也无从询问“工作”本身的专业性问题,但是他可以藉由你所读学校、所选修的课程、在课业上的表现、以及所参加的社团活动等方面,来判断你是否具备做好这份工作的潜力与能力。回答这类问题,正是你进行“自我推销”的大好时机,一定要好好把握。 Basic vocabulary (基本词汇) major 主修课;主修的;主修 degree 学位 bachelor 文理学士 contribute 贡献 minor in 辅修 academic 学术的 impressive 给人深刻印象的 honor 荣誉 award 奖励 scholarship 奖学金 在回答提问时要注意投其所好,比如对

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方问你“What course do you like best?”,这时你最好回答和所应聘公司相关的科目,这会让他留下你很有潜力的印象。 注意几个关键的词语:degree(学位)、subject(科目)、department(系)、Bachelor抯 degree(学士学位)、major(主修)、minor(辅修)。 1) Which school are you attending? in from 你在哪个学校读书? 你是哪个学校的? 你来自哪个学校? 2) I will receive a Bachelor抯 degree. a Master抯 degree a Doctoral degree 我将获得 学士学位。 硕士学位 博士学位 3) I majored in economics. industrial design history sociology 我主修 经济学。 工业设计 历史学 社会学 4) How about your academic records at college? grades scores school report card 你在大学时成绩如何? 5) Which subject do you like best ? better least 你 最喜欢 哪门课程? 比较喜欢 最不喜欢 Basic

experssions (基本句型表达) 1) What degree will you receive? 你将拿到什么学位? 2) I will receive a Bachelor’s degree. 我将获得学士学位。 3) How about your academic records at college? 你大学的成绩如何? 4) I have been doing quite well at college. 我在大学时学习很好。 5) My

specialization at the university is just in line with the areas your institute deals with. 我在大学所学的专业和你们研究所所涉及的范围刚好对口。 6) I was one of the top students in

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the class. 我是班里最优秀的学生之一。 7) Which course did you like best? 你最喜欢哪门课程? Conversations (会话) (A=Applicant I=Interviewer) Dialogue 1 I: Which school are you attending? A: I am attending Hebei University of Technology. I: When will you graduate from that university? A: This coming July. I: What degree will you receive? A: I will receive a Bachelor抯 degree. I: What is your major? A: My major is Business Administration. I: How have you been getting on with your studies so far? A: I have been doing quite well at college. According to the academic records I抳e achieved so far, I am confident that I will get my Bachelor of Business Administration this coming July. I: How do you think the education you抳e received will contribute to your work in this institution? A: I have already learned a lot in the classroom and I hope to be able to make practical use of it in your company. My specialization at the university is just in line with the areas your institute deals with. I am sure I can apply what I have learned to the work in your institute. I: 你在哪个学校上学? A: 我在河北工业大学上学。 I: 你什么时候毕业? A: 今年七月。 I: 你能拿到什么学位? A: 学士学位。 I: 你是什么专业的? A: 我的专业是商业管理。 I: 到目前为止,你在校的学习情况如

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