Q: How do you feel your company treats its employees?
A: In recent years, management has really been dedicated to having a satisfied workforce. Their efforts, however, often enkindle upheavals, when employees made
sacrifices for the company and received little in return. In human resources we spend a lot of money trying to break down the walls between exempt and nonexempt employees. If“the company”is management, I would have to say management is making a conscious effort to mend fences and to do right by our employees.
Q: Did your customers or clients enjoy working with you?
A: My client base changed very little, except that billings increased, so I think thats evidence the clients were satisfied enough to stay with me for more than three years. Thats particularly unusual in the adagency business, too. They simply knew they could count on me to treat their business as if it were my own.
Q: How will you complement this department?
A: I enjoy an environment in which people bounce ideas off each other and have the flexibility to ask for help when they need it. I’m usually a great troubleshooter for PC
problems in my office, and I’m often going to ask for help proofreading important memos. I believe in giveand take.
Q: Whom did you choose as your references, and why?
A: I selected a former boss, a peer, and a customer as references, to demonstrate that Im a pretty wellrounded person and get along with all the important work associates in my life.
Q: Can we call all of your references?
A: I’d prefer that you call my current boss only after youve made me a firm offer of employment and I have had a chance to tell her myself that Im changing jobs. Then, of course, I understand your need to verify that my application was accurate.
Q: Tell me what you learned from a recent book.
A: I enjoy reading biographies, especially of people who lived in a different era. I recently read Churchills biography, which taught me a lot about the value of leadership and good PR under times of stress.
Q: Tell me about a work group you really enjoyed.
A: My group in our new product launch department really meshed.
When one of us was approaching the final day before a launch, we all rolled up our sleeves and helped put press packets together or whatever else was the last item to be shipped to the sales force. Although it was an administrative task, it had to be done, and it was a good time for us all to speculate on the success of the product and any major concerns.
----展示一下你乐于助人的一面。描述因你客观的忠告或特定的专业知识,使你的同事和部门获得积极成果的例子。 Q: Describe a time when you had to assist a coworker. A: I once helped an associate understand survey methodology in order to write a report. He had never taken a research course and didnt know how to structure questions.