(2004级保险、金融学 本科生)
Ⅰ. 单项选择题 (每小题1分,共10分)
1.B 2. B 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.A
Ⅱ. 多项选择(每小题2分,共20分)
1. BCD 2.AC 3. ABD 4.AB 5.ACD 6.ABCD 7.ABC 8.BCD 9.BCD 10.BDE
Ⅲ. Brief Answers(共24分)
1.What is an insurable interest? Why is an insurable interest required in every insurance contract? (6)
(1)An insurable interest is one of the fundamental principles of insurance. It states that the insured must be in a position to loss financially if a loss occurs, or to incur some kind of harm if the loss take place. For example, a person has an insurable interest in his or her car because he or she may loose financially if the car is damaged or stole. (2)There are differences between an insurable interest in property and liability insurance and life insurance. In property and liability insurance, each of the following situation can support an insurable interest, namely, ownership of property, potential legal liability, secured creditors and contractual right. In life insurance, an insurable interest does not arise when a person buy life insurance on her own. In such cases as closes ties of blood, marriage, the legal guardians, the employers, ect., an insurable interest can be met. (3) In property insurance, the insurable interest must exist at the time of the loss. In contrast, in life insurance, the insurable interest must be met only at the inception of the policy, not at the time of death. (4) To be legally enforceable, all insurance contracts must be supported by an insurable interest. The reasons are as follows: first, an insurable interest is necessary to prevent gambling. Second, an insurable interest reduces moral hazard. Third, in property insurance, an insurable interest measures the amount of the insured’s loss.
2. Describe the major parts of an insurance contract? List out the major types of
exclusions typically found in insurance contracts. Why are exclusions used by insurers? (6)
(1) an insurance contracts generally can be divided into the following parts: Declarations,
Definitions, Insuring agreement, Exclusions, Conditions, Miscellaneous provisions. Not all insurance contracts necessarily contain all six parts.
(2) Exclusion are another basic part of any insurance contract. There are three major types of exclusions as follows: first, excluded perils, that is a contract may exclude certain perils, or causes of loss. Under homeowner property policy, the perils of flood, earth movement, and nuclear radiation, etc. are specifically excluded. Second, excluded losses, that’s certain types of losses may be excluded. For example, in homeowner policy, failure of an insured to protect the property after a loss occurs in excluded. Third, Excluded property. The contract may exclude or place limitation on the coverage of certain property.
(3) the reasons for exclusions: first, because the peril may be considered uninsurable by commercial insurers. Second, because extraordinary hazards are present; third, because coverage can be better provided by other contracts; in addition, certain property is excluded because of moral hazard or difficulty in determining and measuring the amount of loss. Finally, because the coverage is not needed by the typical insured.
3. Describe the basic characteristics of term insurance. When is the use of term insurance
appropriate? Answers:
(1) from a generic viewpoint, life insurance policies can be classified as either term insurance or cash-value life insurance. Term insurance provides temporary protection, while cash-value life insurance has a savings component and builds cash values. (2), term insurance has several characteristics: first, the period of protection is temporary; second, most term insurance policies are renewable; third, term insurance policies also convertible; finally, term insurance have no cash value or savings element. (3) term insurance is appreciate in three situations: first, if the amount of income that can be spent on life insurance is limited. Term insurance can be effectively used. Second, if the need for protection is temporary; third, Term insurance can be used to guarantee future insurability.
4. Describe the basic characteristics of agriculture insurance. What are the major concerns for
agricultural insurers? (6) Answers:
(1)Agricultural insurance is another type of property insurance, which provides property loss insurance for crop farming, livestock breeding. Crop farming covers crops, forest, gardening and nursery. Livestock breeding covers animal husbandry, poultry farming, and aquiculture, etc.
(2) compared with other property insurance, agriculture insurance has some typical characteristics as follows: first, large coverage; various risks resulted from natural disasters, economic and social risks. Third, high risk results in high loss rate, and indemnification.
(3) the insurers of agriculture should always take special concerns as follows: selecting risks and location; stressing coinsurance; not-stand alone, complying with other property insurance as farmer’s homeowner insurance. Government supports are necessary.
Ⅳ.计算题 (共26分)
1.王先生投保了一份12年期的家庭收入保险,收益人为其儿子,每月收入保险金为800元。保单规定,如果王先生在保单生效日期12年内死亡,收入保险金的领取期至少为2年。如果王先生在保单生效8年后死亡,其儿子总共可以获得多少保险金给付?如果王先生在保单生效11年后死亡呢? 如果王先生在保单生效15年后死亡呢?(8分) 答:该保险合是定期寿险中家庭收入保险的一种,其含义是:如果被保险人在保险期间死亡,保险公司将对其在世的配偶提供约定的月收入保险金,直到保单规定的期限为止。在西方国家中,家庭收入保险通常作为终身寿险的一个附加条款来签发。在本题中不同的给定条件下,被保险人的受益人(其子)所能获得的保险给付金为: 当王先生在保单生效8年后死亡时,其获得的总保险给付金为: 800 ×12 × (12-8) =38400 (元)
低年数支付2年的收入保险金,那么,其获得的总保险给付金为: 800 ×12 ×2 =19200 (元)
当王先生在保单生效15年后死亡时,因为保险合同已经超过12年期限,即已终止,所以,保险公司不必支付任何保险金, 被保险人的儿子领不到任何保险给付金。
2.李女士以自己为被保险人投保了终身寿险,保险金额为20万元。 投保时,李女士将自己的实际年龄40岁虚报为38岁,而当时40岁女性对应的保费为400元,38岁女性对应的保费为380元。 若干年后,李女士病故,保险公司发现其误告年龄,保险公司是否必须履行其给付的义务? 如果答案是肯定的, 实际给付的保险金额应当是多少?(8分) 答:该种情况是符合人寿保险合同标准条款应该遵循的原则,即年龄或性别误告条款.
在本题中,保险公司根据李女士的实际年龄调整后的保险给付金应为: (实缴保费÷应缴保费)×原保险金额=(380÷400)×20=19万元
3. 假定一赔付率超赔再保险合同规定,赔付率在70%以下由分出公司负责,超过70%至135%,即超过70%以后的65%,由接受公司负责,并规定接受公司以60万元为赔付限额,两者以较小者为准,分出公司的净保费收入为100万元。计算并回答以下两种情况下分出公司和接受公司各承担赔款多少万元? (10分)
① 如果已发生赔款90万元,则分出公司和接受公司各承担赔款多少万元? ② 如果已发生赔款150万元,则分出公司和接受公司各承担赔款多少万元?
答:这是赔付率超赔再保险合同。 赔付率=已发生赔款÷瞒期保费×100%
① 如果已发生赔款90万元,则赔付率是90%, 根据分保合同,分出公司承担70%以下的赔付率,则承担赔款金额为:100×70%=70万元,而接受公司承担剩余的20%的赔付
② 如果已发生赔款150万元,则赔付率是150%, 根据分保合同,分出公司承担70%以下的赔付率,则承担赔款金额为:100×70%=70万元,而接受公司承担剩余的70%以后的65%的赔付率,则承担赔款金额为:100×65%=65万元; 但是,又根据合同规定,接受公司以60万元为赔付限额。 那么,在本赔付率超赔再保险合同中,接受公司实际承担赔款60万元, 而分出公司实际承担90万元(即,70+100×15% +5)=90万元。
Ⅴ.Application Questions (20 points, 10 points for each)
1. Risk management plays important roles in any organizations. Identify the regular risks that a university faces, and explain the steps and feasible techniques in the risk management. Key points:
(1) The conception of risk management; the four major steps of risk management; (2) Uses the four steps to identify that a university major two major risks, the
one is potential loss resulted from life of both students and faculty staff; the other is property loss.
(3) Use four steps, based on the frequency and severity, select the appropriate
techniques: avoiding or retaining those losses with low frequency and low severity , such as small loss theft, etc. controlling those losses with high frequency and low severity ; avoiding the losses with high frequency and severity; to deal with those losses with low frequency and high severity by arranging insurance plans as life insurance, property insurance, health insurance, pension system, etc.
2. What’s the liability insurance? How do you think about the current situations of liability insurance in China?
Key points: (1) every person and every organization has certain legal liability. Legal liabity can arise from an intentional act or omission that results in harm or injury t another person or damage to the persons’ property. (2) Liability insurance plays important roles in transferring the potential losses resulted from legal liabilities. Definition and characteristics of liability insurance; its classifications and major coverage.
(3) the status quos of liability insurance in China。Narrow coverage and non awareness for the majority persons and organizations.
(4) relevant measures to promote the development of liability insurance in China.