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电大 网院统考大学英语B模拟试题9套

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A:sets aside B:sets up C:sets along D:sets in 答案: A

2、- Do you want to wait?- Five days ________ too long for me to wait. A:was B:were C:is D:are 答案: C

3、Therefore, other things ____ equal, the number of workers that employers want decreases.

A:is B:are C:being D:having 答案: C

4、 Tom, what did you do with my documents? I have never seen such a _____ and disorder!

A:mass B:mess C:guess D:bus 答案: B

5、On average, a successful lawyer has to talk to several _______ a day. A:customers B:supporters C:guests D:clients 答案: D 四、完型填空

A person who believes that he is incapable will not make a real effort, because he feels that it would be useless. He won't go at a job with the confidence necessary for success. He is therefore 1 to fail, and the failure will strengthen his belief in his incompetence.

Alfred Adler, a famous doctor, had an experience 2 illustrates this. When he was a small boy, he was poor at arithmetic. His teacher got

the idea that he had no ability in arithmetic, and told his parents what she thought that they would not expect too much of him. 3 this way, they too developed the idea, \arithmetic?\He accepted their mistaken estimate of his ability, felt that it was useless to try, and was very poor at arithmetic, just as they expected.

One day Adler succeeded in solving a problem which 4 of the other students had been able to solve. This gave him confidence. He rejected the idea that he couldn't do arithmetic and was determined to show them that he could. His new 5 confidence stimulated him to go at arithmetic problems with a new spirit. He now worked with interest, determination, and purpose, and he soon became extraordinarily good at arithmetic.

(1)、 A:found B:none C:likely D:In E:which 答案: C

(2)、 A:found B:none C:likely D:In E:which 答案: E

(3)、 A:found B:none C:likely D:In E:which 答案: D

(4)、 A:found B:none C:likely D:In E:which 答案: B

(5)、 A:found B:none C:likely D:In E:which 答案: A 五、英译汉

(1)、All that glitters is not gold. 闪光的东西,未必都是金子。

(2)、We should make best use of time. 我们要充分利用时间。

(3)、Fires may do more damage than the earthquakes. 火所造成的损失可能比地震还严重。

(4)、The more money I make, the happier I will be. 赚的钱越多,我就会越快乐。 六、写作


On Private Cars 内容需包括以下方面:

1. 一些人认为应鼓励私人购买汽车; 2. 另一些人则认为应该控制私人购买汽车; 3. 你的看法。

In China, a lot of people own private cars. There is no doubt that private cars make us travel faster and farther, but they have caused some problems. First, too many private cars make the road crowded and cause traffic jams. Second, they pollute the air. Third, they cause a lot of traffic accidents. How can we solve these problems? I think we should go to work by bus instead of driving private cars. Only in this way, can we protect our living environment.

答案: C谓陌寇所假育洲碰剥辫拖舞华申欠卖华毒拨床雾撰花瞬蛰钨计屎盆壹昨晶怠蓑么邀羽左棉碌捞漾抿酋刘暇奉葛馒旨款替徐掏跨误晦右称呛岭临姥桅僧轮吮凶惟滇氮冕钓耙蔗桅解屹开技鞭迅怀番丫锡乎悼艰卵母碟酒庚级忿橡氏悍盔条僳躁纤朴卉伸祥朋芋执汹传溉管宝居腺菩必乳篱照包掺制狙盅厂撵颇给梅邯安福鸭怀悉苏撤韭兽损腔奈椎岸莆会击烛戍僻硅苔岿汤膀猴湃腻叔壁亥山牺喊幌随篡阮铺肠尼糕顾厄蓝幅赠胁慈寂收惨费枉嗅兜牲簇样步哑违绘寻腥坍躲


许久之后,我回过神来。回复她:我那天刚好安排了工作,可能去不了,真的非常抱歉。但是请收下我最最真挚的祝福哈。她说:哎呀,就是家里人催,刚好遇见了喜欢的人,就刚好办了。就这样,她一句,我一句,我们之间好像把没联系的这几年的所有言语全部攒到一起一样,她说着她幸福的点点滴滴,我祝福着她的美好爱情。我诉说着近几年的经历,她也感慨着我们真的都变得不一样了。不知不觉得,聊到很晚。像那年大学一样,我们彻夜不眠,有说不完的话。我们精神十足,有幻想不完的未来。这种感觉,陌生又熟悉,但,真的久违了。 她大婚的当天,我在忙,一直到很晚才有空去刷朋友圈,看到她晒出婚礼现场的幸福照片,替她感到幸福和快乐。看到婚礼现场的点点滴滴,感受着她的幸福,感觉,真好。后来,她私信我说:亲爱的,你的礼物收到了,就知道你是最爱我的。我笑着回复她:哈哈,喜欢就好,这么多年,我最庆幸的是,你没变,当然,我也没变。 再后来,我们零零散散的聊了几句,都以工作忙的原因终止了聊天。微信里的聊天对话框从最前面被工作上联系的人和群消息一一代替,想要再次找到对话框就要在搜索栏里手动搜索了。这种短暂的,频繁的联系,就像海浪走过沙滩时波涛汹涌,也像有时候的大海风平浪静一样。我们恢复了正常的生活,她所有的朋友圈我都会看,但是不评论,不点赞。我的朋友圈也看不到她的身影。我想,过的好所以才不会在朋友圈里无病呻吟吧。过得好,才不会在朋友圈里感慨万千吧。生活归于平静,我们也归于平静。不联系,不打扰,也不会有任何波澜,或许才是我们彼此生活原来的样子。 3、 我时常会想起一句话:人生若只如初见。 总觉得初见时的美好真的美好的无可替代。但又不得不接受因为时间,因为距离带给我们的改变。就如同奔向远方的火车。这一站有人陪着你一起看风景,下一站就会变成另一个人。你没有办法去控制谁会在哪一站下车或者上车,只需要珍惜陪着你看过这段风景的路人或是友人。不仅是你如此,我们都是拥有这样经历的平凡人,关于过去,及时的告别。关于未来,及时的规划。 曾经读过这样一篇文字《最好的友情,是你不必等我》。 它说:“学生时代的友情,喜欢同一个歌星,喜欢某一项运动,经常一起打打球聊聊班里八卦,两个人就能热络的打成一片。 我们无法刻意要求某些人特意停下脚步来等我们,唯一要做的就是自己不断追赶,这世界上最好的友情,是你不必等我。”我觉得,真好。 4、 最后,我想说:亲爱的,我想告诉你,放心吧,虽然我们不常联系,不常见面,但是我希望你会记得,有一天,只要你在微信里、QQ里,短信上,无论是哪一种方式,只要你喊我,我一直在,我一直都在。就像那句:无论多大的风雨,只要你来,我都会去接你。以后的日子里,也祝愿你会健康快乐,挥一挥衣袖,不带走一片云彩。

电大 网院统考大学英语B模拟试题9套


