学 海 无 涯 马克思主义在当代中国社会主义制度条件下的应用
一、 何为马克思主义
1. 马克思主义是时代的产物
2. 马克思主义是以实践为中心的科学
development work steadily in the pilot counties, to build peace neighborhood offices approved, %urban and rural communities (Center), immigrant communities, pilot projects such as integrated management of urban and rural sanitation in order. (D) maintain social harmony and stability. In the case of tight financial situation, continue to increase the input of people, happy people battle. Urban central heating and upgrade rural power grids, rural reconstruction of shabby housing ten major projects being delivered, has been overfulfilled ahead. Strengthening of social programs, college entrance examination to record heights; new rural insurance coverage rate of the city's first, launched in new rural cooperative medical clinic co-ordination; ... Perfect Park catering, accommodation, education, recreation and other tertiary industries supporting, improving socialization service level, for industries, businesses and create a good environment for development. 3, flexible investment, enhance the industry. Construction of industrial parks, just set up a platform for the development of only attract more projects into the district, to form agglomeration advantages. A innovation project. To be purposeful, targeted investment, will have a basis of the County's industrial packaged bundles, overall publicity and promotion. Initiative going, please come in and carry out all-round, multi-level and wide-range of investment activities. The Township industrial projects, in principle, to put to the West industrial parks. What town project, is that the output value of the Township. Second, we must grasp the standards selected items. Full account of extend the industry chain and the integration of factors of production, not only efforts to introduce a number of scientific and technological content and high added value, growth and strong driving force of large projects and large enterprises, but also on domestic-funded enterprises and in accordance with the direction of industrial development of small and medium projects, project man, small project overwhelming. Meet the area of the County's new industrial projects and city back into rural enterprises, in principle, all stationed in industrial parks. Meanwhile, strict control of excess capacity and high energy consumption, high emission enterprises to enter. Thirdly, increased incentives on the project. Investment of the whole society, the Township and County units go out and draft project. To establish investment incentives for successful introduction of significant project gives awards to units and individuals, the introduction of tax for the implementation of the project, to introduce organization into rewards. 4, preferential policies, and security industries. In terms of project examination and approval, by area Administrative Committee in conjunction with the development, planning, land, industry and commerce, quality control and other departments, \-stop reception, one-stop service\procedures, the time limit originally.
In the management of EIA in accordance with the3
学 海 无 涯 本的观点,实践性是马克思主义的本质特性。坚持一切从实际出发,实事求是,理论联系实际,在实践中检验真理和发展真理,是马克思主义重要的理论品质。
3. 马克思主义是中国共产党和社会主义事业的指导思想
二、 发展中国特色社会主义
1. 坚持实践第一的观点
2. 坚持立足中国国情
development work steadily in the pilot counties, to build peace neighborhood offices approved, %urban and rural communities (Center), immigrant communities, pilot projects such as integrated management of urban and rural sanitation in order. (D) maintain social harmony and stability. In the case of tight financial situation, continue to increase the input of people, happy people battle. Urban central heating and upgrade rural power grids, rural reconstruction of shabby housing ten major projects being delivered, has been overfulfilled ahead. Strengthening of social programs, college entrance examination to record heights; new rural insurance coverage rate of the city's first, launched in new rural cooperative medical clinic co-ordination; ... Perfect Park catering, accommodation, education, recreation and other tertiary industries supporting, improving socialization service level, for industries, businesses and create a good environment for development. 3, flexible investment, enhance the industry. Construction of industrial parks, just set up a platform for the development of only attract more projects into the district, to form agglomeration advantages. A innovation project. To be purposeful, targeted investment, will have a basis of the County's industrial packaged bundles, overall publicity and promotion. Initiative going, please come in and carry out all-round, multi-level and wide-range of investment activities. The Township industrial projects, in principle, to put to the West industrial parks. What town project, is that the output value of the Township. Second, we must grasp the standards selected items. Full account of extend the industry chain and the integration of factors of production, not only efforts to introduce a number of scientific and technological content and high added value, growth and strong driving force of large projects and large enterprises, but also on domestic-funded enterprises and in accordance with the direction of industrial development of small and medium projects, project man, small project overwhelming. Meet the area of the County's new industrial projects and city back into rural enterprises, in principle, all stationed in industrial parks. Meanwhile, strict control of excess capacity and high energy consumption, high emission enterprises to enter. Thirdly, increased incentives on the project. Investment of the whole society, the Township and County units go out and draft project. To establish investment incentives for successful introduction of significant project gives awards to units and individuals, the introduction of tax for the implementation of the project, to introduce organization into rewards. 4, preferential policies, and security industries. In terms of project examination and approval, by area Administrative Committee in conjunction with the development, planning, land, industry and commerce, quality control and other departments, \-stop reception, one-stop service\procedures, the time limit originally.
In the management of EIA in accordance with the2
学 海 无 涯 中国大地上生根发芽、开花结果,就必须充分考虑现实国情需要与文化的特殊性,使之体现中国气派和中国风格。要坚持从实际出发,把马克思主义基本原理同中国国情结合起来,着眼于解决中国建设和改革中面临的具体问题,通过总结中国人民在实践中积累的独创性经验,为现代化建设提供科学理论指导。要注意从中国优秀文化传统中汲取营养,把马克思主义理论与中华民族的文化特质、思维模式、价值取向、行为方式结合起来,使之与中国文化融为一体,创造出体现时代要求又具民族特色的价值追求和价值遵循。赋予当代中国马克思主义鲜明的民族特色,决不意味着要置身于世界进步潮流之外,相反必须密切关注世界文明的发展趋势,重视从世界与中国的双重维度去观察、思考和解决问题,善于吸收不同文明中科学、进步的合理成分。
3. 坚持与时俱进
三、 感谢
development work steadily in the pilot counties, to build peace neighborhood offices approved, %urban and rural communities (Center), immigrant communities, pilot projects such as integrated management of urban and rural sanitation in order. (D) maintain social harmony and stability. In the case of tight financial situation, continue to increase the input of people, happy people battle. Urban central heating and upgrade rural power grids, rural reconstruction of shabby housing ten major projects being delivered, has been overfulfilled ahead. Strengthening of social programs, college entrance examination to record heights; new rural insurance coverage rate of the city's first, launched in new rural cooperative medical clinic co-ordination; ... Perfect Park catering, accommodation, education, recreation and other tertiary industries supporting, improving socialization service level, for industries, businesses and create a good environment for development. 3, flexible investment, enhance the industry. Construction of industrial parks, just set up a platform for the development of only attract more projects into the district, to form agglomeration advantages. A innovation project. To be purposeful, targeted investment, will have a basis of the County's industrial packaged bundles, overall publicity and promotion. Initiative going, please come in and carry out all-round, multi-level and wide-range of investment activities. The Township industrial projects, in principle, to put to the West industrial parks. What town project, is that the output value of the Township. Second, we must grasp the standards selected items. Full account of extend the industry chain and the integration of factors of production, not only efforts to introduce a number of scientific and technological content and high added value, growth and strong driving force of large projects and large enterprises, but also on domestic-funded enterprises and in accordance with the direction of industrial development of small and medium projects, project man, small project overwhelming. Meet the area of the County's new industrial projects and city back into rural enterprises, in principle, all stationed in industrial parks. Meanwhile, strict control of excess capacity and high energy consumption, high emission enterprises to enter. Thirdly, increased incentives on the project. Investment of the whole society, the Township and County units go out and draft project. To establish investment incentives for successful introduction of significant project gives awards to units and individuals, the introduction of tax for the implementation of the project, to introduce organization into rewards. 4, preferential policies, and security industries. In terms of project examination and approval, by area Administrative Committee in conjunction with the development, planning, land, industry and commerce, quality control and other departments, \-stop reception, one-stop service\procedures, the time limit originally.
In the management of EIA in accordance with the3
学 海 无 涯 中政治就开始接触到《马克思主义基本原理概论》了,但却一直认为它只是一门离现实比较遥远的科目,而且认为很少能在实际生活中得以运用。但是在大学中系统学习了这门课后,发现生活中的很多现象都能体现出其中的原理。十分感谢戴老师的认真生动的讲解,并恳请戴老师对论文的不足之处给予斧正。
development work steadily in the pilot counties, to build peace neighborhood offices approved, %urban and rural communities (Center), immigrant communities, pilot projects such as integrated management of urban and rural sanitation in order. (D) maintain social harmony and stability. In the case of tight financial situation, continue to increase the input of people, happy people battle. Urban central heating and upgrade rural power grids, rural reconstruction of shabby housing ten major projects being delivered, has been overfulfilled ahead. Strengthening of social programs, college entrance examination to record heights; new rural insurance coverage rate of the city's first, launched in new rural cooperative medical clinic co-ordination; ... Perfect Park catering, accommodation, education, recreation and other tertiary industries supporting, improving socialization service level, for industries, businesses and create a good environment for development. 3, flexible investment, enhance the industry. Construction of industrial parks, just set up a platform for the development of only attract more projects into the district, to form agglomeration advantages. A innovation project. To be purposeful, targeted investment, will have a basis of the County's industrial packaged bundles, overall publicity and promotion. Initiative going, please come in and carry out all-round, multi-level and wide-range of investment activities. The Township industrial projects, in principle, to put to the West industrial parks. What town project, is that the output value of the Township. Second, we must grasp the standards selected items. Full account of extend the industry chain and the integration of factors of production, not only efforts to introduce a number of scientific and technological content and high added value, growth and strong driving force of large projects and large enterprises, but also on domestic-funded enterprises and in accordance with the direction of industrial development of small and medium projects, project man, small project overwhelming. Meet the area of the County's new industrial projects and city back into rural enterprises, in principle, all stationed in industrial parks. Meanwhile, strict control of excess capacity and high energy consumption, high emission enterprises to enter. Thirdly, increased incentives on the project. Investment of the whole society, the Township and County units go out and draft project. To establish investment incentives for successful introduction of significant project gives awards to units and individuals, the introduction of tax for the implementation of the project, to introduce organization into rewards. 4, preferential policies, and security industries. In terms of project examination and approval, by area Administrative Committee in conjunction with the development, planning, land, industry and commerce, quality control and other departments, \-stop reception, one-stop service\procedures, the time limit originally.
In the management of EIA in accordance with the2
学 海 无 涯 参考文献:
【1】 《邓小平文选》第3卷,人民出版社1992年版 【2】 【3】 【4】 【5】
《马克思主义基本原理概论》2010年修订版,高等教育出版社 《列宁选集》第2卷,人民出版社1995年版
胡锦涛:《高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜 为夺取全面建设小康社会新胜利而奋斗——在中国共产党第十七次全国代表大会上的报告》,人民出版社2007年版
development work steadily in the pilot counties, to build peace neighborhood offices approved, %urban and rural communities (Center), immigrant communities, pilot projects such as integrated management of urban and rural sanitation in order. (D) maintain social harmony and stability. In the case of tight financial situation, continue to increase the input of people, happy people battle. Urban central heating and upgrade rural power grids, rural reconstruction of shabby housing ten major projects being delivered, has been overfulfilled ahead. Strengthening of social programs, college entrance examination to record heights; new rural insurance coverage rate of the city's first, launched in new rural cooperative medical clinic co-ordination; ... Perfect Park catering, accommodation, education, recreation and other tertiary industries supporting, improving socialization service level, for industries, businesses and create a good environment for development. 3, flexible investment, enhance the industry. Construction of industrial parks, just set up a platform for the development of only attract more projects into the district, to form agglomeration advantages. A innovation project. To be purposeful, targeted investment, will have a basis of the County's industrial packaged bundles, overall publicity and promotion. Initiative going, please come in and carry out all-round, multi-level and wide-range of investment activities. The Township industrial projects, in principle, to put to the West industrial parks. What town project, is that the output value of the Township. Second, we must grasp the standards selected items. Full account of extend the industry chain and the integration of factors of production, not only efforts to introduce a number of scientific and technological content and high added value, growth and strong driving force of large projects and large enterprises, but also on domestic-funded enterprises and in accordance with the direction of industrial development of small and medium projects, project man, small project overwhelming. Meet the area of the County's new industrial projects and city back into rural enterprises, in principle, all stationed in industrial parks. Meanwhile, strict control of excess capacity and high energy consumption, high emission enterprises to enter. Thirdly, increased incentives on the project. Investment of the whole society, the Township and County units go out and draft project. To establish investment incentives for successful introduction of significant project gives awards to units and individuals, the introduction of tax for the implementation of the project, to introduce organization into rewards. 4, preferential policies, and security industries. In terms of project examination and approval, by area Administrative Committee in conjunction with the development, planning, land, industry and commerce, quality control and other departments, \-stop reception, one-stop service\procedures, the time limit originally.
In the management of EIA in accordance with the3