觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 高频句型:
1. The majority of single mothers suffer from more financial hardship and social pressure than couples.
2. Surely by now we know that social alienation can sometimes produce violence toward oneself or toward others. At least we should learn to listen to them and make friends with them; otherwise they may seek some kind of outlet in violence. 现在我们当然懂得,社会的疏远有时会引起对自己或他人的暴力行为。至少,我们可以学者去倾听他们,和他们成为朋友,否则他们会通过暴力以求发泄。
3. 老龄问题是最近几年才提出来的。但是老年人的问题不是现在才有的。 The question of old age has been raised only in recent years, yet it has long existed. 命题发言:
1. Causes of and Solutions to Teenagers’ Lack of Social Responsibility. 2. Should People Allow Television to Have Control Over Their Lives?