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2024年怎样写好英文个人简历和求职信-word范文 (10页)

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如何写好英文个人 简历 和求职信呢?这对于求职者来说是非常重要的。以下内容由小编为大家整理的写好英文 个人简历 和求职信,希望能帮助到您! italki

Howmany people know exactly what a curriculumvitae is?How many people know the differences between a curriculum anda résumé?For sure we are familiar with this terminology, but we may miss someimportant points that could help our career. Nowadays you mustpossess a neat curriculum or résumé toget the job you love. The purpose of this article is to guide youthrough the process of composing a curriculum followinga few simple and clear steps.

有多少人知道什么是个人履历(curriculum vitae)?多少人知道履历

(curriculum vitae)和简历(résumé)的区别?我们都很熟悉这个术语,但是可能会遗漏些对我们职业生涯或许有帮助的关键点。现如今要获得一个你热爱的职务,你必须有一个极好的履历或简历。这篇文章的目的就是通过一些简单清晰的步骤指导你写好履历。

1.ChooseWhat Fits You Best: CV or Résumé? 1.选择适合你的:履历(CV)还是简历(Résumé)?

A curriculumvitae (orCV, Latin for “course of life”) has these characteristics:


Variablelength depending on the necessity (up to 2 or more pages) 长度根据需要多变(多达2页或更多)

Focuseson education and academic background of a specific area 关注教育和一定领域的学术背景


Aimsat demonstrating one's qualifications 目的在于展现一个人的能力

A résumé (Frenchfor “summary”) is different: 简历(法语“总结”)有所不同: Shortlength 长度短

Generalbut complete summary of education and professional 大体而完整的教育与职业概述。 Experiences 经历

Aimsat getting employment or job interview 目标在于得到工作或职位 面试 。 Set Up the General Features 按照一般特征排版

Font: anyfont that looks professional (e.g. TimesNew Roman) 字体:如何看起来专业的字体(比如TimesNew Roman) Fontsize: 12 字体大小:12 Line-spacing: 1.15 行间距:1.15 Margins: 1” 边距:1”

Singlesided on white paper 在白纸上单面打印


Nounderlining 不要用下划线

Nodifferent fonts: sizewill change depending on the hierarchy of lines; bold and CAPS willhelp you highlight something


Numberpages and type your full name on every page. Normally the résuméis a one-page paper, so you should omit the number and your fullname at the bottom of the page.

标页码并在每页都写上你的全名。通常简历(résumé)是一页长度,所以你应该删除页码号,并把你的全名写在底端。 Don'tForget the 5 “Musts” of a CV 别忘了CV的五个“必须做” Well-organizedand logical 条理清晰有逻辑

Conciseand brief (in case it's a résumé) 简洁简短(当写résumé的时候) Complete 完整 Upto date 更新

Professionalappearance: do not mix styles or fonts 显得专业:别把形式、字体弄混乱 Divideit into Sections 分为不同小节

2024年怎样写好英文个人简历和求职信-word范文 (10页)


