2024 上半年全国教资统考高中英语学科知识与能力试题答案
二、简答题 ( 本大题 1 小题, 20 分 ) 31. 【答题要点】
具体, 富有感染力, 从而调动学生深入学习的积极性,激发学生的学习兴趣
; ?PPT的使用可以丰富教学内容
和形式,提供有利于学生观察、模仿、尝试、体验真实语言的语境,使英语学习更好地体现真实性和交际 性特征。
即制作 PPT,
等吸引,在一定程度上反而造成了相反的效果。 ?使用 PPT时在一定程度上增加了教师的工作量, 并且一味地追求使用
教师在使用 PPT时,要注意目的性、恰当性、合理性,
的语言交流、思维碰撞、情感互动和人际交往活动。 视可见的内容和对知识点的重视。
三、教学情境分析题 ( 本大题 1 小题, 30 分) 32. 【答题要点】
(1) 该教师采用的评价属于质性评价范畴下的表现性评价。
(2) 该评价表主要作用有:第一、克服了传统学业测验的弊端,实现多元化评价
生学习主体性 ; 第三、有助于教师关注学生对知识的综合运用能力。
(3) 改进措施有:第一、增加评价维度并且细化每个维度的评价标准以增加其效度
; 第二、有助于发挥学
; 第二、将“笑脸”
改为具体的评价语言 ; 第三、增加评价主体。评价主体不仅是教师,还可以是学生甚至家长。
四、教学设计题 ( 本大题 1 小题, 40 分 )
第 1 页 共 3 页
33. 【答题要点】
Teaching type: Reading class Teaching contents:
This lesson is from senior
high school, and it mainly talks about the life
of Mark Twain. Before becoming a writer, Mark Twain tried different jobs and went to different places, which laid a good foundation for Mark Twain
’ s writing career.
Teaching Objectives: (1) Knowledge objectives
① Students are able to know the experiences of Mark Twain before he became a writer. (2) Ability objectives:
① Students are able to express the journey of the Mark Twain.
② Students are able to find the different places Twain went to and different works he did. (3) Emotional objectives:
① Students are able to learn more about the famous American writer-----Mark Twain Teaching key and difficult points: Teaching Key point:
Students can find the life experiences of Mark Twain through reading. Teaching Difficult point:
Students can retell the story of Mark Twain in their own words. Teaching Procedures:
Step1: Pre-reading (6 minutes)
Introduce Mark Twain to students through pictures and tell students the life and the works of Mark Twain.
第 2 页 共 3 页
(Justification:The introduction of Mark Twain will help students know more about Mark Twain,
which laid a good foundation for next step .)
Step2: While-reading (9 minutes)
1. Ask students to answer the question: where did the name
“ Mark Twain ” come from.
2. Ask students to finish the chart after reading the 2nd paragraph.
(Justification: Students will have a better understanding to the life experiences of Mark
Twain, and their logical thinking will be greatly improved.)
Step3: Post-reading (5 minutes)
1. Retell the passage according to the chart above.
2. Discuss their feeling to Mark Twain after reading this passage. (Justification:
will improve student ’ s speaking
Discussing will help students to build up the interest in English learning and learn some qualities from Mark Twain.)
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