9月21日雅思阅读原题详解:A Brief History of Chocolate
9月21日的雅思阅读考试考到了教主刘洪波老师编著的《雅思阅读真经5》中的两篇原文!分别是《A Brief History of Chocolate》和《From Novices to Experts》。今天我们先来看第一篇《A Brief History of Chocolate》的详细解析~AWhen most of us hear the word chocolate, we picture a bar, a box of bonbons, or a bunny. The verb that comes to mind is probably “eat,” not “drink,” and the most apt adjective would seem to be “sweet.” But for about 90 percent of chocolate’s long history, it was strictly a beverage, and sugar didn’t have anything to do with it. “I often call chocolate the best-known food that nobody knows anything about,” said Alexandra Leaf, a
selfdescribed “chocolate educator” who runs a business called Chocolate Tours of New York City. B The terminology can be a little confusing, but most experts these days use the term “cacao” to refer to the plant or its beans before processing, while the term “chocolate” refers to anything made from the beans, she explained. “Cocoa” generally refers to chocolate in a powdered form, although it can also be a British form of “cacao.” Etymologists trace
the origin of the word “chocolate” to the Aztec word “xocoatl,” which referred to a bitter drink brewed from cacao beans. The Latin name for the cacao tree, T h e o b r o m a c a c a o , means “food of the gods.”Word &
Expression1. picture1) ① n.照片;图画;相片;描绘 ② v. 想象;描述;描写;设想My visits enabled me to build up a broad picture of the culture.参观游览使我对这个文化有了大致的了解。(build up a broad picture of对...有大致的了解)2)搭配:out of the picture不知道详情, 不熟悉一切 2. a bar of一条,一块He's holding a bar of chocolate in his right hand and a bottle of lemonade in his left hand.他右手拿着一块巧克力左手拿着一瓶柠檬水。 3. bonbon (认识即可)n. 夹心软糖;(法)小糖果;棒棒糖 4. bunny (认识即可)n. 兔子 5. come to mind想到,浮现在脑海中Surveillance is the first application that comes to mind.监控是我们想到的第一个应用。 6. apt1) adj. 易于…的, 有…倾向的;恰当的, 适宜的;聪明的, 灵巧的She is apt at languages.她善于学习语言。2) 同义替换: appropriate, suitable, fitting, pertinent, right, proper, capable3) 搭配:be apt to倾向于 7. beveragen. 饮料The sale of alcoholic beverages is restricted to those over 21.酒精饮料只能出售给21岁以上的成年人。 8. have something to
do with1) 和…有关That might have something to do with how hunger heightens your sensitivity for saltiness and sweetness.这也许和饥饿有关。饥饿使你对咸甜味更加敏感。2) have nothing to do with和…无关 9. best-knownadj. 众所周知的; 著名的It may not be the among the best-known of the city's museums, but this monument to sex education, history, and cultural
significance isn't just for academics.它也许还称不上是纽约最知名的博物馆,但它在性的教育、历史、文化意义上所具有的纪念碑意义并不仅仅是对学者而言。 10. run a business1)创业,经营一个企业2) runv.管理,运转 11. terminologyn. 专门用语;术语;术语学; 术语用法The article uses rather specialized musical terminology.这篇文章用了相当专业的音乐术语。(rather adv.相当地) 12. refer tovt. 涉及, 指的是, 提作, 参考, 适用于Writers often refer to a dictionary.作家时常参考字典。 13. bean1) ① n. 豆;豆荚 ② vt.击…的头部Jimmy hadn't a bean to his name.吉米什么值钱的东西都没有。2) 搭配:not have a bean没钱;不名一文 14. process1) ① vt. 处理;加工 ② n. 过程,进行;方法,步骤;作用;程序;推移 ③ vi. 列队前进 ④ adj. 经过特殊加工(或处理)的How can we preserve our cultural urban legacies in the
process of development?在这发展的进程中我们怎样保护我们的城市文化遗产?2) 同义替换:deal with, handle, treat, manage; procedure, course, development,
progression, method, means3) 搭配:in process在进行中;过程中的 15. make from(常用被动)1) 某物由.....构成的They were made from hard plastics and that's why they were very breakable.它们是由硬塑料制成的, 所以非常的容易碎裂。2) make of与make from区别make of 的原材料是看的到的,即平常我们说的物理现象make from的原材料是看不到的 16. etymologists(认识即可)n. 语源学 17. trace1) ① vi. 追溯;沿路走 ② vt. 追踪,查探;描绘;回溯 ③ n. 痕迹,踪迹;微量;迹线;缰绳The book traces the history of the game back to an incident in 1863. 该书把这种运动的历史追溯至1863 年的一起事件。(trace back to追溯到…)2) 同义替换:find, locate, discover, draw, outline, mark out; suggestion, hint, sign, indication 18. brew① vt. 酿造;酝酿② vi. 酿酒;被冲泡;即将发生③ n. 啤酒;质地This wine is brewed from rice.这酒是用大米酿造的 参考译文:A.大多数人听到巧克力这个词时,就会联想到一条巧克力棒、一盒奶油夹心巧克力糖,或一只巧克力兔子。进入脑海的动词则很可能是“吃”,而并非“喝”;而我们想到的最恰当的形容词大概是“甜”。然而
严格说来,在巧克力发展的漫长历史中,人们在绝大部分时间里都把它当做一种饮料,而且糖跟它一点关系也没有。“我常说,巧克力是人人都知道但却对它一无所知的食品。”亚历山德拉·利夫如是说。她自诩为“巧克力教师”,还经营着一家名为“纽约巧克力之旅”的商店。B.虽然有点儿让人无法理解,可如今的大多数专家都用“可可”这一术语指代可可树或尚未加工的可可豆,而用“巧克力”这一术语指代任何经由可可豆加工而成的食品。一般而言,“可可粉”是指粉末状的巧克力,虽然它在英国人眼里也是“可可”的一种形式。词源学家对“巧克力”一词追根溯源,认为它来自阿兹特克语中“xocoatl”一词,该词指的是一种由可可豆酿制而成的苦涩饮料。在拉丁语中,可可树被称作“Theobroma cacao”,意为“神灵的食物”。CMany modern historians have estimated that chocolate has been around for about 2000 years, but recent research suggests that it may be even older. In the book The True History of Chocolate, authors Sophie and Michael Coe make a case that the earliest linguistic evidence of chocolate consumption stretches back three or even four millennia, to pre-Columbian cultures of Mesoamerica such as the Olmec. Last November, anthropologists from the University of Pennsylvania announced the discovery of cacao residue on pottery excavated in Honduras that could