Unit 4 Vocabulary
I. 1.advantageous; let alone; witnessing…vanishing; landmark; entitled; displace;
Established; patriotic…strengthen; contradictions; aspires; divorced; pendulums
2.come to; dozed off; belived in; was set apart; take in; sucks in; clean up; turn away
3. 1) makes no/little difference whether we go there by train or by bus
2) overtaken General Motors as the world’s biggest car maker
3) at odds with his wife over money matters
4) been at the forefront of nanotechnology research
5) let alone cook a meal
4. a) is increasingly…to accele
rate…their investment
b) economy…make an earnest…domestic…strike a balance between
c) a handful of…be endorsed by…on a large scale II. Word Formation WTO 世界贸易组织 GDP 国内生产总值 自动出纳机 增值税
Computer-aided design
Information technology 信息技术 International direct dialing Music television 音乐电视
International Olympic Committee
Very importment person 贵宾,大人物 激光 CPU
III. Usage