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新概念英语第一册第79-80课-Carol’s shopping-list

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新概念英语第一册第79-80课:Carol’s shopping-list

Lesson 79 Carol's shopping list卡罗尔的购物单 Listen to the tape then answer this question.What is Carol not going to buy?

听录音,然后回答问题。卡罗尔不准备买什么? Tom: What are you doing, Carol?

汤 姆:卡罗尔,你在干什么?

Carol: I’m making a shopping-list, Tom. 卡罗尔:我在写购物单,汤姆。

Tom: What do we need? 汤 姆:我们都需要什么?

Carol: We need a lot of things this week. 卡罗尔:这星期我们需要很多东西。

Carol: I must go to the grocer’s. We haven’t got much tea or coffee, and we haven’t got any sugar or jam.


Tom: What about vegetables? 汤 姆:蔬菜呢?

Carol: I must go to the greengrocer’s. We haven’t got many tomatoes, but we’ve got a lot of potatoes.


Carol: I must go to the butcher’s, too. We need some meat. We haven’



t got any meat at all.


Tom: Have we got any beer and wine? 汤 姆:我们还有啤酒和葡萄酒吗?

Carol: No, we haven’t. And I’m not going to get any! 卡罗尔:没有了。不过,我不打算去买!

Tom: I hope that you’ve got some money. 汤 姆:我希望你还有钱。

Carol: I haven’t got much. 卡罗尔:我的钱不多了。

Tom: Well, I haven’t got much either! 汤 姆:唉,我也不多了。

New words and Expressions生词和短语 shopping n. 购物 list n. 单子

vegetable n. 蔬菜 need

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v. 需要 hope v. 希望

thing n. 事情

money n. 钱

Notes on the text课文注释

1 make a shopping list,写一张采购物品的单子。 2 a lot of 当“许多”讲:既可用在可数名词前,又能用在不可数名词前,一般用于肯定句。 3 We haven't got any meat at all.我们一点肉也没有了。 at all这个词组用在否定句中,表示“丝毫”、“一点’、“根本”的意思,有强调作用。 have got与have(’‘有”)同义。 4 many和much均可译成“许多”,但用法不同:many主要用于疑问句和否定句中,放在可数名词之前.如many tomatoes; much用于疑问句和否定句中,放在不可数名词之前,如much tea, much money。 Lesson 80 must go to the... 我必须去...

New words and expressions生词和短语 groceries n.食品杂货 fruit n.水果 stationery n.文具

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newsagent n.报刊零售人 chemist

n.药剂师,化学家 Lesson 79-80 自学导读First things first 课文详注 Further notes on the text

1. And I'm not going to get any! 不过,我不打算去买! 这里get表示\买\,与buy同义: I'll get a new bike for you. 我将给你买辆新自行车来。

2.groceries, 食品杂货。 语法 Grammar in use must与 need

(1)must 表示\必须\、\应当\: I must go to the grocer's. 我得去趟杂货店。

You mustn't make a noise! 你不该弄出噪音来! Must I call the doctor? 我必须请大夫吗?

(2)need表示\需要\、\必须\。作助动词时多用于疑问句和否定句,如: Need I make an appointment? 我需要约一下时间吗? You need not hurry. 你不必太匆忙。

need也可作实义动词,这时就要有人称、数及时态上的变化,疑问句中也需用助动词 do。如:

We need a lot of things this week. 我们这周需要许多东西。

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He needs some money. 他需要一些钱。 Do you need any sugar? 你需要一些糖吗?

What do they need this week? 他们这周需要什么东西?

词汇学习 Word study 1.hope

(1)v. 希望;盼望;期待:

I hope that you'll have a lovely vacation. 我希望你能有一个愉快的假期。

Mark's hoping to study Law at Harvard. 马克盼望着进入哈佛大学学习法律。 I hope that you've got some money. 我希望你有了些钱。 (2)n. 希望,期望;指望:

We are full of hope for the future. 我们对未来充满信心。

(3)n. 期望着的事;被寄予希望的人:

His hope is that his son will get married and settle down soon. 他所希望的是他儿子能早点结婚,安顿下来。

He is a young man of genius, the hope of Russian poetry. 他是一位年轻的天才,是俄罗斯诗歌的希望所在。

2.need (1)v. 需要: We need some honey. 我们需要些蜂蜜。

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Do you need any help? 你需要帮忙吗? Does he need to know? 他需要知道吗?

(2)n. 需要(物);必要: There is no need of worrying. 不必担心。

There's a growing need of new housing in many cities. 许多城市正面临着对新建房屋的不断增长的需求。 We don't have any urgent need for money. 我们并不急需钱。

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新概念英语第一册第79-80课-Carol’s shopping-list


